
Nah, you need to try it with two blowers and use them for propulsion.

Really? Even from just the thumbnails I can see a huge difference in skin tone and smoothness.

I am still pissed at all the Trekkies who had an absolute nerdgasm to get the first Space Shuttle named "Enterprise". They should have had the first powered flight vehicle named that.

In this situation, I give the person a mildly-questioning look and say "Oh, wow... since the accident I have a hard time with people's names...?"

Reminds me of "Ace of Aces". Very cool back in the day... at least among the nerds.

I'm more interested in the armoured van that follows behind the Astro Van. Interesting that they feel there is a need for an armoured escort.

First computer: Apple ][+ 3D0G, anyone?

Came here for this, leaving satisfied.

So long as it's not cobalt thorium G, were're fine. Right?

Those were Tholians, not thoriums.

My guess for the symmetrical array of lines ([]) is that is is a proving ground for autonomous exploration rovers; the lines look like tire tracks and it would make sense that an autonomous Mars bot would zigzag back and forth until it found something interesting.

In case you are wondering how to get rid of the service after trying it and having it fail miserably, you have to go in to Settings -> General -> Profiles to remove the VPN profiles.

@GirafficPark is dead on with this one. I've landed a couple jobs specifically based on using this principle.

FTA: "on loan to the museum from a private collector and was valued by insurers at €800,000 (£690,000)"

...but it is easy to design something that everybody will gripe about.

I use O&O Defrag.

Done that, still blows.

The best presentation guideline?

I "upgraded" today. The new layout blows.

The part of this system that amazes me is the arresting hook itself. It's not that big and has to be able to take the same strain as the rest of the arresting apparatus.