
I have repeatedly child-proofed my house but they keep getting back in.

The M113 was designed as a companion to the M60 tank. The M2 Bradley was designed as a companion to the M1 Abrams. The M113 could not keep up with the much faster M1.

Virtually any surface that is dry and capable of generating sufficient friction will work to light a strike-anywhere match. I've used the button on my 501 jeans, flicking with a thumbnail (be careful, it can hurt like a mofo if you get burning sulfur under your nail) and for the hardcore... your passed out friend's

Shi Lang?

@hc is actually dead on (pardon the pun). Looking to see if someone has "dead feet" is a relatively common and fairly accurate way to assess the status of a patient, either in the field or the ER.

There is no point in "bacon vs. anything" - bacon will always win. Every time.

IANANS, but each hemisphere of the brain is relatively self-contained. Severing the corpus callosum ([] has been done before in attempts to cure everything from psychosis to seizures to migraines.

The J-2 engines were used only on the second and third stages of the Saturn V rockets. The F1 was the monster first stage engines, which would be way, way cooler to see firing again.


You do have an option to "pay more" for service - get a dedicated T3 run to your house. No more data caps.

You make the comparison between your broadband Internet service and electricity in your house. Do you pay a flat rate electrical bill or is it metered on a "pay what you use" basis?

I have an unfounded, secret joy in knowing that somebody, sometime has tried calling that number.

I always use (202) 456-1414 for this type of activity. It's usually not already in the system, so I can get points/rewards and not have to 'share' with others.

Perhaps "plow up" isn't a great term to use in this reference... I read it as "blow up" twice before I was able to realize you weren't being obscenely crass.

The best quick-and-lightweight launcher I've found is Finder itself.

How is the dock done?

Always do sober what you say you'll do when you're drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. —Ernest Hemingway

...and not one morbidly obese person to be seen anywhere.

This would be a superspiffy dashboard/Geektool applet?