
@Noah Purdy: "We've progressed to email for things like that"

Fun idea. I see similar every time I open the company fridge, though.

I am most productive after a nice cup of coffee and when the babbling idiots in my office leave me alone for five minutes.

Nena was hot back in the day...

VOTE: DBAN (Darik's Boot & Nuke)

The old third grade trick of spraying some water (either a small sip or wet fingers in a glass of water) and faking a loud sneeze works well too.

Why the fascination with the works of people such as Picasso or Degas or Pollock? To each his own...

I love that the first post says "...first post..."

@jpmays: We're all prostitutes... we just work on different corners.

@Anna: Photos sent from my phone, for one instance.

After two of their submission checks bounced, I quit submitting photos for publication.

@four12: ...and just found out the cat died.

Changed jobs, company went under, lost house and a vehicle. Hoping 2009 is better.

@four12: make that "dSLR"

@ppiddy: Your cell phone camera does count; sure, the comparative quality sucks but it is still an artistic medium in it's own right.

Reasonably well documented in medical circles, Intern's Syndrome. When you are studying a disease or other malady, you begin to see all the signs and symptoms in yourself.

One thing to remember... DBAN takes time to run. If DBAN says that it just wiped a 200GB drive in five minutes, something isn't quite right.

Paraphrasing Al Gore in the 2000 election; "Lock washer".

@spidermedic: Oh hell yeah... I'd much rather have a cute puppy smiley than real MMS or ^c/^v.