
I call this the "Scotty Factor", in honor of Scotty from Star Trek.

I've had a sign saying "What questions should I be asking you now?" hanging in my office for years.

We covered a phenomenon in several of my Psych courses; "Intern's Disease". It is fairly well documented in medical and psych students; the more you learn and read about various diseases and conditions you begin to say "hey, I have that problem!" and pretty soon... yes, you do.

@scottcoulter: Fly in to Germany; usually a lot cheaper... but, factor in the cost of getting from your landing airport to where you want to go.

Funny... 1984 is what I chose as well.

Funny... 1984 was the book I chose as well.

So... how to I remember things inside my house? Do I need a second palace?

GIS: "Windows XP slipstream"

Selective colouring is a valid artistic process... which is usually overdone.

@BoilerBob: "Ceteris paribus, it's always better to have money *now* instead of later."

@holymogwai: "use a non-alcohol based lotion from Aveeno"

@onesix18: "it's always better to have money *now* instead of later"

TurboTax in the box, **NOT** online.

I shave with and then against the grain (down then up) and don't have bumps or anything.

"There are two ways to travel; drunk or stoned. Fortunately, I'm both."

Gas caps should be on the 'curb side' of all vehicles; much safer that way when you're out of gas and refilling with a can.

@apparate: ...stop buying WM phones?

But of all of your images are flesh-toned...?