
God. Now people at work all noticed that I'm looking at my screen and laughing. Look what you've done, Strangelove.

I think everything on this list should be shifted back to #2-#7.


And what's inside of them is a dwarf?

Obviously. The point I was making is that it's ridiculous to claim that FB "saved her life". And that there are other technologies that actually COULD be used to save your life, in an emergency, like GV.

Anyone else seeing the major flaw? Laptops (almost) all have built-in microphones. Google Voice can be used from a laptop. Phone call? Check. Please change the title to "Facebook used as a tool to conveniently mention woman's injury. Average response delay varies by addiction level of your friends and loved

Wrong. Not that anyone is right to accuse him of something that's not confirmed at this point. But it's just as bad to accuse other people of driving drunk with even less POTENTIAL evidence. The picture doesn't prove anything, I agree. But your statement is completely ignorant in response.

I'm with Jagvar on this one. In a 45mph zone, doing 110 is simply reckless. You may be the best driver in the world. It's STILL reckless. Because all it takes is one other person on the road causing some uncontrollable (by you) variable, to cause a horrific accident.

The real problem is that it's "utorrent.com", and regular people don't know how to create that symbol on their keyboards, lol...

Thanks for the reply. Maybe I'll use a GameFly rental to play it until I get bored. (An inevitability of sandbox games) Appreciate it!

The one concern I have is that people won't see the need to "upgrade" to the Wii U. I mean, the Wii outsold PS3/360 for a reason: it targeted casual markets.

I will agree with you except for the Blu-Ray part. The PS3 (for a VERY long time) was touted as the best way to watch a BR disc. That time has slightly passed, but it still remains very competitive, even 5 years after its release.

Nice article. I gave up on AC1, and didn't bother with AC2 as a result. You may have just sold me on it, though. Additionally, Uncharted lacks the same level of concern that AC had, but I'm always interested to see when a developer finds something that somehow intangibly just doesn't "feel" right, and that's

Pending "Remote Play"-type capabilities...

I'm glad you brought up this point, actually. Because Sony still had it in private. Leaving a briefcase open and unattended in a public place is what the intruders did, not what Sony did.

...still pretty ridiculous... (Though I installed it)

...but can PSN recreate ITSELF in a second location? Now THAT would be scary...

Screw that. They may have STOLEN the data to prove a point to Sony. But RELEASING the data is just being a bunch of assholes. Who's to blame? The damn hackers. Sony? Of course I blame them too. But that's like blaming the VICTIM at a murder scene because they weren't wearing kevlar.

Good idea, but then you can't put it in using muscle memory as quickly. People don't want to hunt for a long code in random order since it's not intuitive. This, on the other hand, is a good theoretical idea.

I see the logic to this. Reading just the LH article, it seems like the conclusion they are coming to is that people who improve don't believe they've truly improved.