
As insane as it sounds, he couldn’t possibly been worse than Greg Abbott.

Yeah, but wasn’t it a case of the classic cliche “suicide by eunuch”?

I’m sure this has been explained but it seems weird to me that Loki and Thor are 1500 years old but they are doing all their personal development in the last 10 or 15.

I also think the Danish Girl presents Redmayne’s character as a jekyll and hyde character, constantly jumping in and out of costumes that dangerously equates being trans as something you can slip in and out of like a dress.

And it drives me nuts that THIS was the film Alicia Vikander won her Oscar for, when Ex Machina was...right...there!

The weird thing about it, beyond the obvious moral implications of springing surprise medical procedures on people, is that these “imperfections” can often add a lot of character.

They might’ve been more “prestige-y” but they didn’t exactly kill at the box office. Neither made as much as Bring it On (Cider House was close, Pleasantville lost a ton of money). By the time Spide-Man came out, way more people had seen Bring it On than those other two movies combined.

Okay, but...Maguire was also, you know, the lead. Wouldn’t the more relevant question, given the similar size of their roles and similar levels of fame at the time, be whether Dunst made less than James Franco?

Yeah, I mean, I’m bipolar myself. And there’s only so much damage I can do beyond my personal life, because I’m fucking broke and unemployed. But I can easily imagine having an episode and making some very big, very stupid decisions if I’m put in that position and I have people around me who will not only not stop me,

me too, except for the love bit.

Sure; but “leaning into it 100%” is kind of one of the core symptoms of mania, so...

I do love that video, for its sheer bizarreness if nothing else.

I’ve had a love/hate relationship with Lavigne’s music. The last song by her that I liked was “Rock n Roll,” which came attached to one of the craziest videos ever.

I read this whole interview with Joe’s voice and deliberate manner of speaking in my head. It took twice as long but it made me smile. 

I have just one request if they do decide to show the games in other countries: cast Alex Horne as the UK Frontman!

We’re in the box office comment section of an article about box office talking about box office. Even if by some chance absolutely none of us actually care at all about the subject, it’s still on topic.

More importantly, was the prequel concept done in by breathing the irradiated air, or was it struck down by a swarm of insanity inducing alien insects? Or was this just another case of Clarke pulling a giant switch and something dying?

It makes sense. He's been talking about Quack science since the first movie. 

Whole generations of people grew up not having to worry about stuff like Polio because of mandated vaccines just pissing in the wind now and taking future generations with them.

Quit picking at the wound. Maybe write up the last two seasons as novels?