
yeah, it’s so funny that people act like tlj exists in some vacuum when it is a direct sequel to a movie with a shitty cliffhanger to work with.

You remind me of a great Twitter thread where someone watches Empire through the same deranged fanboy mindset of the people hating on TLJ. Basically it called everything in Empire ridiculous.  

I don’t see how anyone can look at the final shot of TLJ and think Rian Johnson has anything but love for Star Wars and the sense of wonder and possibility that the original trilogy stirred up in people.

I think what Holdo really needed was to have been set up in a previous film. Then the audience might have been more on board with her, and her heroic sacrifice would have carried more weight.


A thing that annoys me is that “Master Codebreaker” is a clunky as fuck. Like, it seems like a placeholder for a title that they never bothered changing in the script. In fact, the EU already had a title for it: Slicer. They could have had Maz tell Finn that he needs to find a Slicer, and than when they meet DJ and he

I’m at the point where I just stop when people launch off into hyperbole. I haven’t got the time for that bullshit anymore.

Last Jedi doesn’t tell us to kill the past, it just tells us not to be a slave to it. Because if you let the past control you, then you end up unable to enjoy anything new; not even the best Star Wars movie in over 30 years.

“I don’t understand the point of bringing back our favorite characters and showing us that they’re sad old failures. Who asked for this?”

Absolutely. Can you imagine if he was put in charge at the START of the ST instead of being forced to follow up on the dreadful narrative decisions of TFA?

Wait, what? Finn doesn’t have much of an arc? The guy starts the movie trying to run away from the war and ends the film ready to commit suicide for the rebellion. His arc is very clearly about learning to care about things other than saving his own skin. Also, the Canto Bigt stuff isn’t pointless. It’s a chance to

Said it before, but it’s still true: If Empire Strikes Back had come out after the invention of social media, it would be just as “hated” as Last Jedi. By which I mean, not hated at all, just whined about constantly by a small mob of manchildren who most media sources (including this article) insist on spotlighting at

The strange part is that it was the last Star Wars movie. Like, they said it was supposed to be a trilogy, but the third movie never materialized. Still, I’m pretty satisfied with the ending of TLJ.

This movie is fucking awesome and an excellent addition to the Star Wars saga.

And if you’re waiting for FDA approval, congrats, Pfizer should get it next month.


I can only stretch my suspension of disbelief so far. There is just no way that there are two child prodigy doctors named Doogie.

This show is exceptional.

I was really against the whole “Bringing Palpatine back” aspect when RoS came out, but looking back, it wasn’t that bad an idea. There is a reason why it’s the first thing Dark Horse did when they got the license in the 90s. It fits the character of Palpatine to have plans to cheat death.

Here’s a more concise summary of the above story: