
Yes, we all know Japan is a nation of pedophiles.

What’s with all of the rapists and sexual predators we’ve been seeing come to light in America though?

Yeah, “seemed to you.” “Cheerleading outfits” and “pantyshots”- how exactly are those emblematic of child porn? “All stylized to look like children”- fucking really?

And if RK is the least porny anime/manga you’ve ever seen you either have an abhorrent familiarity with the medium or you have a bizarre standard of what

What you described is not child porn though. At all. It’s disgusting and exploitative, but that does not fit the definition of child porn by any stretch of the imagination, even if many would technically consider it child porn. Such content was certainly more common in much of northern european in the not too distant

That documentary is shit. It was highly sensationalized and leaves one with the distinct impression Japan is a country where pedophilia is fully accepted. She even claimed that until 2014, you could watch hardcore child porn in public venues. You should look up @mombot’s detailing of the unaired interview between her

“and he just had some old inappropriate videos that he simply used to rub one out in private every now and then. Jesus, people are acting like he is some kind of predator.”

“Old inappropriate videos” that happened to be child porn. He’s still a pedophile.

“From what I’ve been told the manga just goes with full on nudity.”

An understatement. It has references to child molestation that are more than comedic and sexualized scenes of gore and dismemberment of the characters too. The guy’s twitter feed is a freakshow, how he fawns over sexual fanart of his underage

I do agree about the whole thing with “references” though. I honestly doubt a large number of people who are into loli/shota are attracted to real children (although it’s absolutely disgusting and I would ultimately hesitate to trust those people around children), but you really have to wonder where these people get

That seems to be within Japan itself though, not a global measure.

Japan’s recession began in the early 90's, so there you go.

I know Japan’s police is actually very corrupt (though so is ours, Japan is just a surprise in that regard) and the crime rates are probably higher than what’s reported, but it’s pretty unanimous that Japan is a very safe place. I sincerely doubt total sex crimes are worse than they are here- although there are things

Those loopholes aren’t exactly unheard of though. Russia of all places still does not ban possession of child porn, despite how increasingly conservative that place is. 2ch, Japan’s largest message board, banned foreign IP’s long ago apparently because of Russian IP’s posting child porn. It would be helpful to look at

“but it’s always seemed really hypocritical that they pretend they think it’s bad given how much Japan fetishizes underage girls and the glut of material.”

Do you think your typical japanese person fetishizes underage girls? They don’t. The pedophilic content in anime/manga didn’t used to be as prominent and

Are you Japanese yourself?

Also I find it hard to believe production and distribution of CP wasn’t fully banned until 1999, I imagine there was some kind of law that functioned in place of a full-on ban. Was Japan a haven of CP production until less than 20 years ago?

“Yeah, he said George Zimmerman is a shit bird and a bad guy based on many pieces of evidence, and called Trayvon a kid and said the whole situation sucks for everybody... but also that based on what he read, he ultimately thinks the shooting was... JUSTIFIED. What a fucking MONSTER.”