
No particular order but what I can think of is as follows:

Mostly clothes, but my parents did manage to get me more RAM for my PC and an SSD. Next up on my list of upgrades is a new GPU. It was very nice of them to help with a few things as my PC will turn 5 years old in 2020.

Same! I’m seeing it on Sunday and can’t wait to check out Fallen Order!

I will probably spend most of my time tonight playing Red Dead as I’m determined to beat it before I start up another game. I have a feeling my GF got me Fallen Order for Christmas so that’s my motivation to get through Red Dead.

I just got to Chapter 3 the other night in Read Dead so I will mostly be continuing on in my wild west journey. The game awards last night reminded me that I never finished The Outer Worlds so maybe I’ll try to get to that as well.

Two weeks ago I decided to finally give Red Dead Redemption 2 another shot. So far, I’m glad I did. I am not trying to everything in the game so I think that is helping. I still pick up side missions when they pop up and so far those have been fun. I’m still early in the game, Chapter 2 I believe, so I still have a

What the hell did I just watch? And is that Nolan North doing the VO? 

I’ll miss reading your work on Kotaku Cecilia, but thank you for all the hard work you have put in over the years! I cannot wait to see what the future hold for you.

Thanks for sharing that story! Your father sounds like a fantastic man. That is my plan, to aim wide. I have a degree in Advertising and Marketing and am shooting for something in that field. I have spent the past five years working for a manufacturer as more of a sales assistant. It’s been an alright job for my first

Currently over working my at current job so I will be playing the fill out application after application game this weekend in hopes of finding something I actually want to do.

True. I would also toss in the farmhouse scene between Ellie and Joel. That was phenomenal acting.

This is the only game that has made me cry. This opening scene still makes me at least tear up and I swear I’ve seen/played it at least 15 times.

I just wish games booted up faster than they do. I remember when I got the PS4 in 2013 and Killzone: Shadow Fall, I was blown away by how fast the game booted up and you were in the main menu. I figured that was going to be a standard feature on the PS4/Xbox One and now I can’t think of another game that does it.

Thank you very much Ethan! Keep up the great work :)

It’s my birthday today so I will be mostly spending time with friends and family this weekend to celebrate. Should I find some time to game, I will be continuing on in The Outer Worlds. I just finished up gathering up all the quests from Groundbreaker so we’ll see where I go next!

I’m excited for this as a big fan of the original release. But my big question is, is there still a cheat code to spawn a bunch of shooting Shelby Cobras?

Gonna hop back into The Outer Worlds. I just left Edgewater and landed on Ground Breaker so still pretty early in the game.

I do like this idea at least for one night of a Bachelor party.

I personally have never played Geometry Wars high, but that game is fun as hell!

That’s good to know! I guess I should make sure I even have the hard drive space for it then. If I do pick it up, I’ll be sure to plan plenty of other things to do. I have decently fast internet, but anything that size is still going to take some time!