Ok, well that changes everything. (snark retracted)
Ok, well that changes everything. (snark retracted)
If I was Saint Bolt, I’d be pissed that my parents didn’t give me a name that flowed like Thunder Bolt.
Even if that were the case, the absence of Chrissy’s verified checkmark negates all the rest.
And to be honest, pending comments need to just go away. It was a necessary fix several years ago, now it’s just annoying and useless.
I’ve never seen research on it, but it makes total sense that the bully/offender doesn’t remember what happened. Unless they were called out when the action happened, it doesn’t have any emotional salience for them, so they can go on about their lives after they did what they did. The person who was bullied/offended…
Clearly my fandom is not up to par! I know what I’ll be doing this weekend.
Wait... there’s going to be a Psych movie?!?
No one should be denied cooking with onions for 20+ years!!
I read it as $1.3 mil too, thinking that was how much it’s worth if it were to be sold (which, I’m assuming is still low for NYC)
I’m pretty sure that comment was about pulling her hair so tight in the ponytail and the future of her hairline, not her current hairline (whether high or not).
Those questions also don’t seem right for an adult game - “have you ever kissed a boy”??? Maaaybe adolescents. Still inappropriate, but not as inappropriate as for 6 yr olds or as tone-deaf as for adults.
Except she wrote $88,0000 was written three times and $28,0000 was written once. One time is a typo, four instances is lack of editing.
Is anyone here not bitter?
There are workarounds, but you can’t directly stream HBO Max on Roku. The two companies haven’t come to an agreement.
She gave birth to him. He was her son, if only briefly.
What’s so magical and fun about it?
I wonder how bad my face would look if I wore makeup daily. I didn’t really have acne as a teenager, so I guess I’m paying for that with chronic adult acne (10 yrs and counting). I can count on one hand the number of times I wear foundation or powder or concealer in a year. The pandemic unfortunately hasn’t done…
I didn’t even think it was her. I was confused.
Anytime you get a tattoo they shave the area. Even non-hairy areas.
I wish I knew how we got here. I beat myself up for his shortcomings, as in “why wasn’t I strong enough to walk away earlier?” I know that’s not the right way to think about it, but it’s hard not to. Sending you internet hugs and good vibes and hoping you figure out the right solution for you and your child.