Turk Turkleton

Because I don’t think her gripe was with an all male cover, it was with that all male trio. not that I necessarily agree with the gripe, but it’s not the same critique of the Ghostbusters movie.

This is my situation as well. My job gets stressful, but bossman only cares if we get our work done on. Strolling in a little late - fine. Leaving a little early - cool. Need to take the kids to the dentist in the middle of the day - sure. Work is completed - all good!

Is this a real figure that Madame Tussaud’s actually, really put out???

To me that person’s efficient, not an asshole. They’re inconveniencing the fewest number of people. They’re not putting it in an overhead space behind them where you have to trudge past people going the opposite direction. You’re not fumbling with it in a crowd of people trying to exit. You just swiftly pick it up as

Not my friend. I don’t know this person. But I should probably befriend him/her if that’s all it takes to make $50.

Or the British version of writing dates... Psalm 9:5

I remember reading once about someone whose current career was making wedding hashtags. 

It is verbal diarrhea. I think it’s supposed to read:

I’m not a violent person, but I want to retroactively punch the person who made that comment about your daughter (it also may be new mama hormones making me that aggressive). 

People do. I am part of people. Also, my pediatrician is part of people.

Not always.

She’s not pursuing a law degree. She doing an apprenticeship then taking the bar exam. So (if she passes) she’ll be bar certified, but she won’t have a law degree. It’s a legitimate route to practicing in four states, California being one of the four. In California, very few people people attempt it every year. So

So.... no credit for her fighting for clemency for Alice Marie Johnson or Cyntoia Brown’s cases?? I mean, she can’t solve all the world’s problems, but saying she’s not doing anything constructive is unfair.

I was with you until the last line. Air is mostly oxygen and nitrogen and trace amounts of other gases. Water is two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen (or as I like to call it, dihydrogen monoxide). But you’ve got the gist that everything is chemicals.

People love gimmicks. There will be a line.

Same thing I did.

I’m a new first-time mother and... I didn’t even know weighing diapers was a thing until just now. You’d be just fine today.

I didn’t fully take advantage of the app because I didn’t want to give all my information but there were some things that I followed. Nothing was quite necessary, but it ranged from fun to informative. They would have daily blurbs about what you should be expecting at each stage and how to prepare for the next stage.

I used Ovia while I was pregnant. There were certain tracking options that I couldn’t access unless I put in my doctor’s name and I think my place of employment. I just ignored those tracking options and stuck with the things that didn’t require me to put in personal information. After my baby was born, I deleted the