
**Lawyer's Ex-Wives, your car is ready**

Also the only car to have a baboon's ass.

Actually the word guant is a negative descriptor about her thinness therefore a way of shaming. I know a lot of thin girls that get the anorexic Comments and I know a lot of fat girls that get the obesity comments so I think it's a two way street.

In the second paragraph, they refer to her as "a gaunt 105 pounds."
That is weight-shaming.

You use the word "gaunt" to describe her, in an article decrying shaming people for their size? Nice work, lady.

"She's also an outlier in that at 5'4" and 105 lbs, her height-weight combination put her slightly below the threshold doctors who use the BMI scale would consider "healthy." She's also below what Weight Watchers would consider healthy for her height."

Interesting. So when it comes to overweight people, BMI is garbage

Ha! Matt looks like an intern at 30 Rock

I tweeted him to tell him I'd give him 10 bucks via Paypal if he says nipple.

And the Jaguar comes with a better soundtrack than the Maserati. (Hard to believe I just typed that)

Yeah, because no one with money watches the Super Bowl. Silly twitter people.

I'm not sure if people are aware, or willfully ignoring how classist and sexist he is. He says awful shit about poor people while insisting that he's "not that rich." He was a total ass to Johnny Lee Miller for doing Elementary. Here, have a whole post with direct quotes x

A friend of mine was an NFL cheerleader about 8 years ago, as well.

The women who took that job knowing full well what was expected of them and then complained.

Sort of like the NY thing, but the guy on the bike didn't realize you have to have an entire gang of bikers to properly harass a motorist. Next time be prepared!

I do agree they should have gotten to it as soon as the rain stopped. That being said, schools staying open until last minute, and such, doesn't help with keeping people off the roads. Full infrastructure fail here today.

Another case of asking for it and getting it?

I think you mean, "My BMW's Iron Man costume."