
Triple post

Double post

The girl in the passenger seat was obviously helping him steer.

That is fucking terrifying.

Just taken this right hand turn. Car came to a rest at the green arrow.

wow. I didn't know the production numbers when I wrote that comment, but I certainly consider 1300 built "rare", so go fuck yourself. "I'm guessing you're from gawker" nice

I am shocked, shocked to find that speed was a factor in this crash.

Now admit that you are wrong about the exposed fasteners on the C7 ;)

It made perfect sense when they said the tree and light pole were going 60 mph.

That awkward moment when you forget to clean up after masturbating and then get your picture posted to the internet.

Yeah, I felt the author came off as more of an asshole than the other person.

Boy, you sound butt-hurt.

This made me laugh sooooo hard. his face!!!! lmao the more I stare at it, the harder I laugh.

Yup. Cobble together a bunch of lazy stereotypes, and then end with a condescending pat on the head.

One person's fashion purchase is another's impractical ego-booster.

What kind of justification can you give for your staged 'gang rape' movies where women are violently abused and degraded, but later shown laughing (so it's all OK, I guess.)

A rebuttal:


Apparently, this is confusing for many people, because they seem to think it means "This space where I am currently stopped is now a special parking spot just for me."

Deploy Oil Slick from Passenger Side Mirror. (OK turns the blindspot monitoring camera on in your new Accord but my answer is more fun)