Carbon Fiber Sasquatch

I’m still holding hope for the GR Corolla 

“The WRX was already almost off the list because it’s way underpowered compared to other cars in it’s price range and market.”

Yeah, as someone who’s driven aggressively in all kinds of conditions and “roads” or even just deals with the effect of New England winters, the plastic cladding would be welcome after a couple years of ownership, if not so aesthetically pleasing when new. It’s like those junk German cars with the nice looking

I was actually going to post something to this effect.

Everyone here is mad about crossoverification, sure. But take a car that literally is meant to run on dirt, and give it some cladding, and everyone loses it.

I honestly don’t get all the hate. It looks boring to me, and that’s about it.

I agree it’s silly but not for the reason you think. Crashes aren’t contagious - sure other people may be involved but it’s not like if you had a crash you could infect me with crashitis. With COVID you can certainly spread it to others and while you might have had very mild symptoms, the other person could die.

In Washington state, it’s not required to wear a helmet, but in the event of a potentially fatal accident, lack of one is an automatic DNR. I think that’s a pretty fair rule for those “freedom” types

Except with delta you’re more likely to catch it again, which leaves you susceptible to dying, or at least leaving your body mangled and wrecked

Yep - either we are becoming socialist or we are already there. Alternatively, insert Communism because words don’t mean things to folks in the age of the internet.

Small correction, Mercedes. Back in the 80s, “wrinkle clothes” was a common euphemism for “swollen testicles.”

My favorite part was when they said that the slippery slope of things like “seat belt laws” would lead to the complete conversion to socialism of the US.

It has become extremely hard to care about the people that have chosen the stupidest path forward.

“Only 520 miles? Needs to be 1,000. If it were 1,000, I’d buy one tomorrow.

This EV won’t work for me because the commute to my job is 20 miles each way and once I get there they don’t give me enough money to buy this car.

I’ll be patiently waiting in the comments for someone to come say how this EV won’t work for them because their commute is 600 miles each way in the snow towing a 12,000lb trailer.

That’s fair. You don’t have to like it, or buy it. But that doesn’t mean that the new cars aren’t better by any real, objective, standard.

Is this QOTD taken directly from a comment I left 30 minutes before you posted it?

Current new cars will be a nightmare to repair when stuff starts to go wrong.

Not even close. New cars are better in basically every single way.