They seem to be aiming for entry Luxury, not economy. Which should be fine and still a game changer IF they can pull it off.
They seem to be aiming for entry Luxury, not economy. Which should be fine and still a game changer IF they can pull it off.
Fucking Mitch McConnell’s death stare tho
He didn’t want to appear celebratory, and the vote hadn’t closed at that point, and Senators can change their vote before it closes. So also cautionary.
This was not a time for grand standing and cheering. They have to work together to solve this problem. Taking the high road is the best course of action.
Decorum. Remember that? DJT doesn’t know the word or what it means.
I believe their stance is that there is nothing to celebrate about this debacle, and that they do want to work in a bipartisan way to correct flaws in the ACA. Cheering just makes them look divisive and vindictive. Something like that.
Next that guy was enquiring about the Dana LSD
Had never heard of this fellow human, and after just now watching a single video, this is the best news I have heard all week. It is sad and a tad disturbing that he has fans. Also, my 10 year old has just informed me that she recognizes him from whatever Bizaardvark is, and that “he is stupid.”
I’m very proud of myself for not knowing who this imbecile was until this week, and will once again not know who he is come Monday. What a complete waste of a human.
“Working on more adult acting roles”
***Researches who this guy is***
Credit to him (or his publicist) for framing it in terms of “I wasn’t fired, I quit because I’m too good for them”.
*receives pink slips*
A wise man once said: Fuck off you twat.
The universe is deafened by the shrieks of this question in its ears.
This would be my response too if I was his neighbor. As long as I’m living next door to a cray-cray man with a pistol who ain’t afraid to use it in broad daylight, I’m kissing his ass.
Yes, the truck was threatening him and clearly had it coming.
Oh Florida.