
Well, well, well what do we have here, a VW Golf sketch in the background?

@ZWECK: i was just about to say that exactly. is this the current trend, changing the body panels or paint job and then double, or in case of the reventon 4X the amount. it is just flat out silly. But like they say, if you build it they will buy it.

These are not fugly! "Infiniti FX50 in all it's god like glory" pretty much sums it up. These are one of my favorite cars. The way the body flows from the wide front fenders, the huge grill(i'm also a fan of Audi), the curvature over the body and the swooping rear end is absolutely stunning.

Ohhhh a refresh of my favorite Mercedes model. Seeing those cars in black driving always nearly cause me to have an accident.

*drool.......* This is the R8 that should have been created in the first place.

This car just screams luxury upon everything around it. It may be big and fugly but it's a Rolls Royce, you've gotta love it.

these are terrible but clever at the same time.

Optimus can do it all!

i would fancy an S65 AMG and an S4. ohh the fun...


@TomAnderson: oh my local Fox station isn't that bad! in fact, they are my favorite. now the national Fox news, that's another story...


boy, if that TV would have fallen out!

@graverobber: yea and can't forget to install a gigantic clock lol

Damn those are some MAD skillz!!!

i love 80's nostalgia!! those ad's are awesome.

@smokyburnout: i really really doubt it. even unleaded is crazy. in my area (KC) unleaded is $3.00 and diesel is $3.45. i know those are some of the lowest prices but still. i don't think we have any real solution to increase MPG.

anyone else realize that the diesel average is $3.59 per gallon!? all the automakers picked the wrong time to introduce diesels cause that price is rediculous

that'll end up being attracting thieves like moths attracted to light unable to shoo them away...stupid idea

ooohhhhh man!!! a classic anime movie that shouldn't be remade. and why leo! i think Keanu Reeves would have been better, he does more sci fi flicks then leo.