turbo steve

@MyCityScreams: Technically it's a digital signal transmitted analog. You can't transmit digital. The only difference you'll see between cables is build quality and the price difference doesn't justify the small performance gain (signal loss over distance)

@cjlopez: about your icon, "the princesses clothes are in another castle"?

@Dacker: we have a similar place where i'm at.

@MonkeyChunks: Amazon has a exclusive tiger woods 2012 item. Guess the trend is ending.

@Nero: is it cause their french that they are lost?

@AgentRayBans: I have never been so torn. Wanting robots to be at this point and calling fake.

@roxie: no thank you. Tracker jackers sound scary as all get out.

@winkerVsbecks: it's possible his youtube account is signed in and has an open session in this case if he turned annotations off it wont show. At least they looked to be annotations to me.

@mangonights: no j/k needed when you state the truth.

@curtise123: I did, he even stopped at one point. Locked diffs make a world of difference.

@CyberRanger: where do you live? I spent a lot of time out between sterling and holyoke

@Donutt007: i couldn't make it past 10 minutes of that movie.

@IppoJ: agreed. Though I would say they are only good till they are at 60% wear left.

@CyberRanger: and the kindness you showed to your neighbors is why I love colorado.

@TheSecondSpitter: "Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning. "

@FodderTheSane: I have both nightmares and fond memories for my 94 ford ranger 4cylinder

COD :Black ops (ps3) is 39.99 at target.

@HammerheadFistpunch: agreed. Most of us love the snow. We are ready for the snow and we play in the snow.