turbo steve

please stop embedding videos at 720p

@cdoggyd: you captured utah speak very well. I'm sorry.

@ender89: now that's funny.

@Optixtruf: awesome but doesn't beat my old roommates kid. I will never forget the little girl going "woah" from the back as we got on the freeway.

@GetRevenge32: what is this from and where can I get one with lasers?

I seriously thought he was going for boob when he touched that girls seal.

@Gaston: end users have no rights when it comes to digital rights. Can't sell, can't trade, can't lend to a friend. This is why i will never support it.

@turbo steve: ok looked more, regions are A/1 B/2 C/3. Look before you speak i guess.

@B: Weird this is labled region 2. BluRay uses letters for regions. America is BluRay[a]

@krispyfresh: It's funny that 99% of statistics are made up.

@BradMW: Jeep Cherokee with inline 6.

I thought shit was going to go crazy? Seemed like a lame fireworks show to me.

U.S. Stig v British Stig. FIGHT! oh wait. :(