
I actually thought the tesseract was a good way to portray how higher dimensional beings would attempt to communicate with humans and how time is non-linear to them. It was a daunting task to get right, and I think that was an admirable take. I also liked how the hard science behind time and gravity interaction with

I think maybe for rock crawling so you can see anything close. I have seen the semi trucks have a similar window on the passenger side door, so they can see cars below the field of view of the window.

Has anyone tried it with the “No strings on me” from the Avengers 2 trailer?

There was a large amount of hugely clunky exposition that could have been shown in any number of better ways.

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How MUCH work has he had done?

The Ayran SuperRace needs plastic surgery as well to show their superiority I guess...

Your points are the author injecting their annoying and ridiculous opinion in to what would be natural human behavior. For instance, Irulan was trained by the Bene-Gesserit, who were well known for using seduction and sex itself to advance their goals. Paul looks at Chani because WHAT FUCKING GUY WOULD LOOK AWAY WHEN

the mini series is much better than the Film...
a couple of points...

oh yeah, whenever i watch both series back to back, i am always struck by how much better it would be if mcavoy had played paul. really interested to see how villeneuve and chalamet handle the character.

I don’t resent the people doing the work, just commenting on the weirdness of it. There’s no market for it, but by calling it a “job” we can ostensibly skirt the taboo of wealth redistribution. I feel like there’s a lot more examples, including most of the military and the arms industry. The health insurance industry

Now playing

Just to clarify further, you can see videos of people forging metal in full sunlight:

She’s backlit by the sun which has thrown the entire sky pure white. In a situation light that, the glow from the swords wouldn’t be ebough to add visible illumination on someone’s face. They seem to glow no more strongly than fire from a grill (they’re not lightsaber bright, for example), and even if you put your

Thinking about one’s own privilege versus the state of the world POC live in causes discomfort. And the very same people who will gladly yell “Special Snowflake!” at anybody voicing their actual pain, cannot possibly withstand a little bit of discomfort that maybe, just maybe, with some soul-searching, could lead to

White supremacists hammer home two main points in the media and politics. One is that everything is already “equal”, which they follow with the idea that any time people of color gain something, it means eventually white people will lose something.

The correct answer.  If someone needs help... help them.  Don’t force them to dance for you in order to get help.

Am I missing something? There’s already a bazillion ways to share stuff- it’s built right into the sharing menu in most cases. Sharing a URL? Text. Sharing a Photo? Google Photos does it already. Sharing something from OneDrive/GDrive? Built-in.

What was that nonsense about the Burkha at the Pentagon?

*looks at photos*

Dear Land Rover. This is how it's done. Thank you. 

What are the latest breakthroughs in the sous vide world? Is there any good swag? Are there massive, Tony Robbins–esque motivational seminars?