
Oof. France scored immediately to start the second.

I groaned so hard when it happened. What made it worse how stunningly beautiful goal it was.

Keep scoring.  Stop celebrating wildly. 

The goal differential argument gets pretty weak after, oh, 8-0. I mean, it’s going to take some pretty wacky circumstances for them to have the same record as Sweden but having scored 12 less goals than them.

Yeah, I have zero problems with them scoring 13 goals. a) Goal differential matters here, and b) they’re in the midst of having to prove why they should be making more money than they currently are, and this is exactly how you do that.

I mean, these commenters weren’t the only ones talking about it.

I’m okay with them scoring a pile of goals. Celebrating those goals with more than a fist bump after about 5-0 just means you’re a bit of a dick.

bUt He’S tHe BeSt ChAnCe We HaVe To BeAt TrUmP!

FFS I hope the Democratic party succeeds in pulling it’s head out their collective ass so I don’t have to vote for this shitstain.

He’s got “gettin’ away from the cops” speed! 

Yeah but can he do it with a javelin sticking out of him?  

Nobody can call up the New York Yankees and ask them for Mickey Mantle’s phone number! Or Mickey Mantle’s number, because he’s Mickey Mantle! Okay?

Fifty bucks says Joe ended the call with “Alright, now go out there and break a leg!”

It was the libtard, SJW, PC police that made Joe agree but the fake news won’t tell you that. It’s all part of the white genocide. Taking our numbers is just the beginning. 

I look to the sky, I see a cloud, and I bellow, “RETIRING UNIFORM NUMBERS IS STOOOOOPID!”

Soccer has existed for over a century and a half without missed calls spelling the game’s doom.”

Trump tries to act like a serious adult and some media idiots praise for him for finally making the pivot to being ‘presidential’

But don’t worry, we’re quickly at work to decide just how bad of a loss this was for Democrats via the progressive angle.

Actually, NFL teams don’t like Dam, because he constantly does shit that harms the shield. The NFL hated when Bruce and Dan claimed Reuben Foster, and never forget they got a cap penalty for blowing up franchise tag rates and dumping salary in the uncapped year. Yeah, it was bullshit and collusion, but if the NFL says

Even the injuries can be looked at as a symptom of dysfunction.

Free yourself, people! I turned my back on my childhood team decades ago, and now I actively root against them. It feels good to watch them suffer.