
I think you’re downplaying how gritty this display was, really shows what kind of motor Kirk has.

I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?

Chris Cillizza is a right-wing, dark money apologist going way back. No surprises there. He’s absolute scum.

But there’s absolutely nothing new there. Thompson was writing 45 years ago about how a complete basket case like Thomas Eagleton could get appointed a VP candidate, simply because nobody in the press corps wanted to risk access by pointing out that nuclear weapons could end up in the hands of a manic depressive.

This is how the Trump administration will put over the dismantling of American civil society for the next four years: by banking on whipped, boot-licking reporters so committed to the performance of empty impartiality and the maintenance of access

DO 👏🏾 NOT 👏🏾 FEEL 👏🏾 SORRY 👏🏾 FOR 👏🏾 HER!!!

I have a dead battery with more sparks than that.

Highly intelligent couples so often seem to have that. That’s why I love watching the Clintons together, too... the way Bill was just *glowing* at her nomination speech, you can tell they totally get off on each other’s successes.

I’ve been thinking about this since I initially posted and I wonder how Donald treats Barron and if that might not be some of the source of her apparent animus towards him. From the little bit I’ve seen, she does seem to be a loving mother. If Donald treats him poorly...

I actually really love Bill and Hillary together, even though I kind of hate their politics. I don’t really care whether the first couple feels deep romantic love and sexual attraction to one another, but I like how the Clintons support each other’s passions and ideas. Since I’m not a member of their marriage, that’s

There’s more sparkle between the Washingtons, and they’ve both been dead for 200+ years.


What makes you think they’ll take responsibility for their failures? Because history tells us they’ll blame it on Democrats/Liberals and try again as soon as possible.

if people didnt learn from the last few Repub administrations they will never learn. All they do is spend, spend, spend and we get nothing out of it. Crony capitalism at its finest. The big joke in all of this is that they voted for a wealthy business man to fix that bwahahaha and he hires the same people who over

We’ve already had that experiment, and it DOESN”T work. And the people NEVER see the error of their ways because they are too fucking stupid to really understand it. They have no clue how an economy functions.

Most likely they will never realize they caused their own suffering. There’s always a brown person or a progressive to blame shit on. People still believe in “welfare queens” but cannot see that corporations are taking millions in tax payers’ money & still moving their plants to Mexico or cutting benefits & pay to

Or the country goes down, and we become the new Uzbekistan/North Korea. Not much of a silver lining there

All of the working class voters in Kentucky sick of their lack of economic opportunity who voted Republican are about to get exactly what they didn’t ask for.

If voters are still voting republican they deserve whatever they get.

If I’m understanding the message of this article and the subsequent comments, we are to root for Mixon to live a long miserable, unsuccessful life rather than rooting for him to learn from his mistake and maybe teach others how not to make the same one?