
What features? For god’s sake They’ve delivered what they promised. This was never a multiplayer game. He said time and time again in different interviews that people shouldn’t expect multiplayer. I understand that he did mention that you could run into someone else but considering how the game works and scope of it

Can never go wrong with cheesecakes. Oh and I’d wait for the inevitable Wii U port.

By your logic they should also ban bodybuilders from public bathhouses as well. And soldiers. And anyone looking fit-enough to bash your face in. “Dangerous-looking people” is a very, very wide cathegory.

YOUR definition of “fun” is not a universal definition of “fun”.

I typically agree with what he is saying. When I was young and Pokemon red and blue first came out, I thought I was so clever because I had the game genie for the game boy (game shark wasn’t even a thing yet for the game boy), and I went through and obtained every pokemon one after another by using a game genie code.

Is it “a role playing game” but “an RPG”?

Florida man angry! Florida man no good at English! Florida man shooty bang bang!

Carlos Fabián Villa is a concept artist from Mexico who has worked in both video games and animation.

“The Last of Krat-Us”

Yeah, look we can get rid of zika and probably have a cure in a few months/years, but trump? .... we have to wait for him to die...that’s like another 20 years of the media giving this asshole a podium to spread his viral ideas, and infecting more assholes. I just hope my child doesn’t become one when he grows up. I

Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.

So wheres that Brazzers logo...


Am I safe in assuming that that image is a product of Japan in some way?

First comedy and now this. When will Family Guy stop ruining things.

Tiger and Bunny is a great additional recommendation. I’ll add it.

I'm not doubting either one of you is right, but when Chrome translated the page you linked, it gave me this.