
When Dave first heard the song, he was probably thinking at that moment that life has a funny way of sneaking up on you. When you think everything’s okay and a everything’s going going right. And life has funny way of helping you out. When you think everything’s gone wrong. And everything blows up in your face.

We use a whole house fan at night, which achieves something similar with a fraction of the energy used by AC, because you are just moving the cooler outside air inside. We start it in the evening when the temp outside is the same as temperature inside—blowing all that hot air out of the attic—and then close the

Shut the fuck up, asshole.

Not all conservatives are anti-trans in their day to day actions, but all conservatives vote for politicians that are anti-LGBTQ in their legislation. You can argue all you want about how you’re not personally discriminating against people, but you are actively supporting politicians that literally create

Shut the fuck up chud

This part is super frustrating. Ezra Miller’s really ruining things for the millions of non-binary people who aren’t abusive, psychotic assholes.

I’m just going to come out and say it:

I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.

I have an idea: Let’s cast the delightful comic actor Maya Erskine in this and then give her almost no dialogue or anything else to do.

Much like Boba Fett, this is a situation of a show everyone thought they wanted.

To make it even more relevant, because I do agree my analogy had flaws:

To make the alcohol example more relevant to john’s original article - if someone has a really good beer or visited a really cool brewery, should they be accountable if they write about it positively on a food blog just because your brother might read it and want to try it?

Nobody who says “clown world” without irony is worth listening to, it’s a nice indicator of a trash person. Also you’re lying, very few people have defended this person.

Fuck off with that paranoid gender essentialist Alex Jones shit. “whatever the hell that means”, like it’s rocket science.

Based on the specific phrasing of the Ten Commandments, the Judeo-Christian stance appears to be “other gods might also exist, but ours is better.”

No one’s trolling you, you child. 

Get a hobby. 

it’s simple; anyone who saw the ending as a “nightmare” is projecting their own fear and racism into the story. if you’re scared about a world where black folks are finally made whole for all of the injustices they’ve suffered since being brought to this country against their will, that’s just your white guilt and

What should I do?

In reality, if you’re a black person with slavery-era white ancestors, it’s probably because a white person raped your black great-X-grandmother.

The US’s entire history is stemmed from oppression; to steal from “the other” and to gain from it all. To take pride in the country’s history, while proclaiming to denounce racism means having to own up to your beloved country’s actions. And no politician wants to do that AND part up with their money.