You tedious little shit.
You tedious little shit.
I get that new concepts and words can be hard. The singular “they” in English only goes back to the 14th century
Oh fuck right off.
Learn English. They is a very common singular pronoun, and has been long before trans folk started using it.
I’m sorry, this message was so hollow.
1.75 acres is 76,230 square feet. That is much larger than an average family home. A house that was 76K sq ft would be the 11th largest house ever built in the US.
Nah, just an apologia on behalf of Chappelle from a perennial pennant-waver.
Her warning is literally about the mature themes, mate. You’re the one turning this into a big deal like a fucken drama queen.
You say this as if TV shows haven’t started with disclaimers and parental advisory ratings for decades.
A ‘realistic’ school shooting level would be from the point of view of a school resource officer cowering in the parking lot even though situation was theoretically the reason his job even exists. It would be a stealth mission where you hide from reporters so you can claim you didn’t abandon your post later.
Bullshit. You’re trash with the both sides argument.
that is a lie
who lifted her own shirt down
“For those who present as women, we ask that you cover your nipples.”
One of the characters reading a tombstone: “Here lies andy, peperony and chease?”
AS a sworn ANGERY-ANTI-CAPITALIST, Werewolf: the Apocalypse: Earthblood being so low makes me cry. It had so much potential, but with the blatant absence of the Umbra (A boss fight arena. Against a jacked-up Elite minion...), inability to Rage at will or use it creatively (Can't burn it to heal...), the depressing…
Found the big Balan Wonderworld fan.
Would...would you like a list?
You’re not wrong, homey, you can rest easy. It’s just that your opinion isn’t shared by many people and that doesn’t always make you the smartest person. I think in this case you’re just really picky about your tv.
Instead of wasting foil, use a colander or a sieve. Keep the lid on until the oil is warm and when the kernels are popping, quickly switch to the colander