Paul H

I have been using Google Voice before Google even bought it! It used to be called GrandCentral, and I personally would be really bummed out if they got rid of it.

This article is about how happy you are that HTC made an iPhone.

Should Ouya even be at E3? They had to get money from freaking Kickstarter!

Dear Kotaku, please move the related stories the fuck out of the way, i'm trying to read an article here...

Cool video, but the editing on it was absolutely terrible. Their whole subject matter is focusing on breaking down a flash of lightening to 11,000 frames per second. The footage finally starts rolling...and what do they do, especially during the parts that elicit a "Oh! Wow!" response from the professionals? They

I almost stopped reading at Android has become an enormous success in part by appealing to a lot of people who don't prioritize aesthetics," but I'm glad I didn't.

Don't listen to them Eric - you're fabulous! Very Ziggy Stardust