Paul H

It’s a great time to install Linux!

I refuse to feed the troll. Obvious bait is obvious.

Pokemon has literally always been a conspiracy to make people go outside. It just worked this time.

I think most crustaceans continue growing as long as they live. So in theory, there is a giant crab out there somewhere.

I vote Minneapolis

It is “by accident” the term “on accident” is a corruption of “on purpose” and “by accident” by people who tend to think of the phrases as binary opposites.

I run Linux on my gaming desktop, and my laptops. Only use Windows at work because no choice. My favorite thing about using Linux is that it pretty much only does what you tell it to.

When my guard unit had to get new mil passport photos, they just had ~3 collared shirts to choose from. This resulted in much of the base wearing the same blue hawaiian shirt in their passport photos.

How much did Apple kick you to ignore that Android exists?

The word is “image macro” you 12 year old. “meme” does not apply to anything intended to be funny.

This is a poorly researched and poorly written article. You should feel bad.

So.... limeade?

THis comment is underrated.

Time to switch to Linux. If your laptop has discrete graphics and a processor with VT-d you can setup a windows VM for windows games pretty easily too.

Even when there’s no need, aren’t people allow to want? To desire?

“A semi-automatic gun” ? Seriously? This does not even specify if he had a pistol or a rifle. Even the caliber would’ve been more helpful. Is all the report you got said that he had a gun that shoots when he pulls the trigger without having to cock it in between?

I have trouble understanding the thought processes of all these pillars of morality that get so upset over piracy.

Electron movement and hole movement are just two different ideologies about how electric current moves. Referring to both models of electron flow at once does not make a particularly good explanation.

Just gonna say, I am a big fan of Kanye’s music, and I find his public persona pretty good too most of the time. However I literally can’t fiugre out how to buy this album. So in the meantime, I will be listening to a nice FLAC of it I found.

Your comment was a better read than the article.