Hungry k'yah?
Hungry k'yah?
@doug.martin: "Control center?"
@leadingZer0: Get owned once for me, brave soldier. Represent our generation.
@Deez: I'm in your boat. Some people like to brag about how they figured out the end to a movie before the end comes. I try not to figure it out. I want to be led on a leash by the director, to the movie's ultimate conclusion. That's the whole point! Take the ride.
I'm getting a vasectomy next week.
@tophermyers: I did not say all "younger gamers" are emotionless. I said I could not compete with a specific group of players, "a younger generation that played without emotional involvement."
As a parent I'm concerned that this little guy is not getting enough time zoned out on the couch watching TV.
Born in 1970 and witnessing the birth of video games, I always dreamed of games that immersed me in virtual worlds. As that dream came true over the years, I always remained emotionaly vested in the games I was playing. I felt fear when I was supposed to feel fear, felt joy when I was supposed to feel joy.
The dinosaur served as a great punch line.
Seems like a lot of parts.
Yeah I tried writing "DTF" and it replaced it with "down to duck"
@koxoxok: Megabloks suck! They don't feel right, they don't even sound right.
@ps61318: I smell nose hairs.
@8bitmac: As I prepared to type my comment, I mentally visualized the time line of both scenarios, carefully examining the causalities represented by the adjusted orders of actions.
Question is... how does it smell?
@koxoxok: I have been buying Legos for 35 years and the quality has been consistently good.
Step 1: Get stoned
The actual price will probably be around $35.
Reminds me of the woman that called customer service because her computer stopped working.
@SupaPhly: It varies from state to state, but there are many political roles being voted on today including: