@Caturday Yet?: I know.
@Caturday Yet?: I know.
Seems like a lot of work. I think I'll just continue syncing.
@Red Rocket: I have never had any problems with syncing.
@Harman_M: Actually, the friend counter will stop at 1000 anyway, so I half way there.
@Firebert: I think you must be seeing things. Did you get a bump on the head?
@CPD: The last sentence does not really make much sense either.
For the love of god Jesus!
Wow. wow.
For $482 more you could buy an iPad.
@YourStarDoesNotMakeYouRight: @showbiz2: @Ryan Robinson:
I went to college with R2-D2. You can't go anywhere with that guy. He was always breaking into places and messing with stuff. Every time he went into a 7-Eleven he would wahoo a 12 pack of Heineken.
@Harman_M: You would be amazed at how many people on Gizmodo have OCD.
@wesfx: Hmmm... that's interesting.
I keep thinking... Maybe a little masking is in order for the guy who looks like he's remotely controlling the Roomba
@K0styan: One more question. You're watching a stage play. A banquet is in progress. The guests are enjoying an appetizer of raw oysters. The entree consists of boiled dog.
@The Werewolf: The duck swims at midnight.
How do you get shirts so clean Mr. Lee?