
@I Am A 13 Year Old Girl: I'm using a CinemaTube now and it's great. Plays all files and ISO's too. But I would not mind having all that combined with my iTunes and AirPlay. I don't want to have too many boxes.

My god... it's full of plastic.

Wishlist: Play any video file, including ISOs.

I don't thing the MBAir is for content creation. It's mostly for business work.

@ddabiz: That post was certainly on the offensive side, I'm not sure what happened there, perhaps I was in a bad mood.

As much as I love Google maps, there are still loads of bad maps inside it. They still don't have the correct name of the street my business is on, and we're next door to an IKEA.

@baneyu: Your comment is a little incoherent but I will attempt to reply.

@jmellars: The popularity of soccer and this phone are a result of finding the least common denominator in order to achieve the widest range of satisfaction, viz. to appeal to the broadest possible group.

This phone's sports equivalent is soccer(futball).

@Dartimous: The only reason I never got "Father of the Year" is because I can't keep my 3 year old out of the liquor cabinet. He loves is "whicky baba".

@Dartimous: "Get your kids away from the tube and encourage them to do some other activities?" That is so cliche, and old fashioned, and ill-informed.

Tivo + Kid's Show = I need cable

@lnterestlng: Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

@olugbam: Just tell the truth, did you copy it from me? or from someone that copied it from me?

T-T-teacher stop that screamin'

Does it spin at 33.33 rpm?

Mr. Dodsworth, keep in mind, Mr. Jobs concern is not the difficulty of developing Android apps "today". The concern is the ongoing fragmentation.

If gadget pictures could be considered porn, that picture would be this month's bunny.