I’ve scrounged up around $7.38 in the few minutes since seeing your post. Take it and make a “Nathan For You” Wonka Factory episode happen.
I’ve scrounged up around $7.38 in the few minutes since seeing your post. Take it and make a “Nathan For You” Wonka Factory episode happen.
Say what you will, but this prequel could be great. A gritty crime thriller about a man who uses candy to lure children into slavery, until one day he accidentally abducts a dwarf and realizes they’re much better workers than children. A detective, played by Peter Dinklage, tries to figure out why the apparent…
Look, I like Donald Glover a lot, but I do not see him as Willy Wonka. His acting has come a long way, but I think he would come off as too self-conscious, and not deeply weird enough. I could see someone like Anthony Carrigan or John Cameron Mitchell being a better fit.
I think we live in a time where the fake, coded language is being bypassed altogether.
Yeah. The entire subplot she was involved in was garbage, so she really never stood a chance. Of course, that can’t be the fault of the white guy who wrote and directed it. It’s gotta be the fault of the poor actress who just did what she was told.
Anyone who can see through their sorrow to still matter-of-factly taze a would-be deserter is aces in my book.
I don’t even concede that her character sucked.
I liked her character. The storyline needed some work, though.
Fuck these tiny little baby men. Her character sucked, but it had nothing to do with her being Asian or female. Also, if you’re the type of person who thinks an actor should be harassed for taking a job, then you should probably have all your fingers broken so you can’t type anything for a long enough period of time…
a culture that guarantees absolute belief to anyone who says they experienced sexual trauma.
Actually, Rocket has a shockingly large part.
And what would that trivial element be?
A new startup wants to upload your brain to a server, but with one very small catch: They don’t know how.
Why not dress like the opposite of 1960s Afrofuturistic stereotypes created by white people?
I really wished that they went with an “African Dubai” look for Wakanda(like Nubani in Overwatch) instead of this hyperfuturistic African society where people still dress like a Zulu-esque society while carrying laser weapons.
Can a truly egalitarian society exist within a monarchy?
Having the armor shaped like breasts could only serve to make the breasts more vulnerable to hits. Regular clothing lies fairly flat across the chest. Sports bras are made for more support and are (mostly) flat, creating a uniboob. Superhero outfits should fit similarly.
It was probably a huge relief to Hope, knowing in retrospect that every time her father seemed weirdly obsessed with the exact size of her bust, he was just designing a form-fitting superhero uniform for her.
Wonka vs. Wonka
I think what's interesting about the two film versions of this book is how they exist as the photo-negative of each other. The original was sort of indifferently made, redeemed to a large extent by a brilliant and iconic performance by Gene Wilder. This version is very lavishly appointed and…