
What they should've been, or should be, doing is exploring her ties to the Chozo.

I don't play CoD or BF so those are out for me. Even though one can make a case that Rage is a somewhat common formula (FPS, apocalyptic background), I'm still interested. But Dark Souls is much more compelling to me. So i'll be using my $20 credit from pre-ordering Gears 3 for that :)

Anybody else playing single player in Gears 3 think that sometimes the rest of the squad is too gung-ho? Several sections I'm looking around gathering ammo or whatever, and they move on to the next section and kill half the enemies before I even catch up.

It's easier to accomplish on Insane in single player. None of the other 3 will die, so you yourself just have to concentrate on not getting hit. Still took me several tries.

Yeah I didn't like that part either. I figured there must be some number of enemies to kill where they'll stop advancing! .... hey I'm running out of ammo and there's no more to be found! wtf! arrgh

Hey I'm 34 and getting my second degree in game design :P (1st degree is civil engineering, so quite a change)

Not I. I know in general new RB controllers are cheaper. Maybe can find a used GH version at GameStop?

That's twice I've seen Maijin mentioned in these comments. Glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed it. I had a couple issues with it but its a very charming game.

Agreed, shields is a priority

"He recently laid waste to my Kotaku colleagues at Tokyo Game Show an impressive nine times in a row"

Geez, smart blur much?

Is there a reason Nintendo doesn't attend TGS nowadays?

Agreed. I only ever had it for Xbox.

"In some ways, this sucks, as the muddy character textures and low polygon counts look awful on a big HDTV"

lol yeah right

Sounds like someone needs a Snickers (hint: it's not you)

Someone got Baitbus in my beloved AAA game franchise

Arrgh is this Japan only? Fark! >:|

You would have seen it a lot on the Team Snipers playlist. That's where I remember it most from

Oh i finished it. I just didn't care for those parts.