I liked it a lot more from a conceptual standpoint than I did as an actual tangible product. There was a lot of potential there, but a lot of it wasn’t realized in any of the actual games.
I liked it a lot more from a conceptual standpoint than I did as an actual tangible product. There was a lot of potential there, but a lot of it wasn’t realized in any of the actual games.
You heard incorrectly. This is it.
The problem with CGI is that even good CGI will very quickly look obsolete. CGI ages more rapidly, and more intensely, than any other technology. Look at Toy Story, which at the time was mind blowing. Nowadays? Obsolete, and bordering at times on jarring.
The acting in the scene is questionable, and the construction of the scene itself is a little ham-fisted, but to be upset about Vader having a heart underneath it all is to misunderstand the point of Star Wars in general. It was always a story of Good’s triumph over Evil, and the revelation in Empire that Darth Vader,…
No, Pokemon Z, as in we already have Pokemon X and Y.
This argument only works when he’s creating something in a bubble, with no intention of making money. In reality, the reason video games and other entertainment is created is for the purpose of selling copies and making money. We the consumers are the people to whom the creator is trying to sell his creation, and if…
But the whole Marvel universe is larger than all the rest of Kingdom Hearts combined. This is like saying “There’s a Steamboat Willie world? Why not just Disney?!” It’s good that they’ve chosen a property that’s self-contained within its own world, and I wouldn’t say that it rules out other Marvel properties making an…
Good Shrek reference, but not Pixar.
There was a whole line of Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart K’NEX sets.
Has “sprite” evolved to mean something different in terms of video game art nowadays? Or is it being used here in some other context than in referring to the actual graphics of the game? Because these graphics definitely have nothing to do with sprites, as I understand the traditional meaning of the term.
It’s a pretty solid, if primitive, entry in the Metroid series. It’s interesting, nowadays, to look back at it, and see the evolution in the controls from the first Metroid, to Metroid II, onto Super Metroid.
Was that Matthew Broderick?
It was always just kind of on the outside of canon; like, I don’t think anyone ever explicitly said it wasn’t canon, but story-wise it was so far removed from DBZ, and Toriyama wasn’t even involved (if I remember correctly), so it wasn’t really an issue. But the upcoming Dragon Ball series takes place before GT, which…
He’s Kangaroo Jacked.
Is there any way to tell whether the cats are boy cats or girl cats? I want to name mine, but I’m torn between calling it Phyllis or Horatio.
I think this game, like Captain Toad before it, will prove to have a secondary level of enjoyment from watching someone else play. Playing Captain Toad last year, I felt myself staring at the GamePad more so than the TV, but while my fiancée was playing, I was able to enjoy the game in a different way just by watching…
This doesn't quite qualify as "insane," I suppose, but I once crossed paths with John Travolta in line for It's a Small World at Walt Disney World. He was getting off the ride as I was getting on. I wish I could say it was more exciting than it actually was, but it was really more of a delayed reaction than anything.…
I mean, I'm sure Nintendo probably likes to see that their systems have this much value to people, but even if they wanted to I doubt there's really much they could do. When you start policing sales on eBay you probably get into some murky legal waters.
That seems like a lot of stuff for Best Buy to throw in that they probably don't need to. People will buy the system by itself, and a game (Majora's Mask or otherwise) by itself. They could throw in a charger I suppose, but they probably don't really even need to do that.
This actually puts a lot of Nintendo's policies and practices in perspective. As disappointing as it is that we sometimes don't get all the types of games we'd like to get, it makes sense that a company in which each member has veto power wouldn't necessarily make the choices which we'd consider great ideas, but which…