The fact that she called herself a Time Lady, mixed with the hat she wore, had me convinced.
The fact that she called herself a Time Lady, mixed with the hat she wore, had me convinced.
I think that's probably why it's a two-parter. I'd imagine the whole thing will play out like one really long movie, that just dips and has a cliffhangerey ending.
So true. There are some modern celebrities - people you like to see in movies, but ultimately don't have any real connection to - and then there are the ones who have been ubiquitous for virtually all of modern cinema, like Williams has. There are a few actors about whom I feel the same way - Gene Wilder's one of them…
It's a shame this poor lady's birthday was ruined by the actions of her son. He should be ashamed of the way he acted on her birthday.
This is still my absolute favorite gif on the Internet.
I'm assuming, as it gets closer to "Spring 2015," we'll find out that he'll actually only be exclusive to people who bought both versions for a limited time, or that he'll be available for purchase to other people or whatnot.
By that reasoning, he's also the most worthwhile DLC ever, because depending on whichever version you start with, he also comes with an extra $40-60 worth of game content.
No, I think when they announced that Captain America 3 would be a Civil War adaptation is when people believed that it would be a Civil War adaptation. The Civil War comics event next summer didn't really have anything to do with it.
I agree that the handling of Tara's death was super dumb, but I think the really unforgivable death on True Blood's part was Terry's. That was just a shitty plot, handled badly, and resolved even worse.
That game would be... reticulous.
I know they don't have all the PS1 games on PSN, but why don't the have the same amount across all systems? Like, why wouldn't all the games that are available on PSN be available on every system that can access PSN?
Wait, so are not all PS1 games available through PSN on the PSTV? Why is that?
It's nice that you think so, but you're doing everything in your power not to answer my question. If I have no interest in playing Playstation 3 games, why would I consider buying an appliance that's more than twice as expensive as this?
If I could afford a PS3, I wouldn't be thinking about getting a PSTV. That's basically what I'm asking: is this worth it as a low-cost alternative to one of Sony's "actual" consoles, considering that all I really care about playing are PS1 games?
So like, I'm a guy who hasn't owned a Sony Console since PS2. What could this do for me? If, conceivable, I wanted to get this for the sole purpose of playing old PS1 games, and maybe a PSP game or two for the helluvit, would that be feasible/worth it?
I don't know about hate watching, per se, but I definitely started out almost hating to watch. Sometime in the middle of the first season, Agents of SHIELD went from an absolute chore to watch to bona fide must-watch TV. The second season hasn't shown to be letting up on that transformation anytime soon.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who jumped to this thought. Anakin was already dubbed Darth Vader by the time he fought Obi-Wan.
To be fair, I feel like 1960s Shatner would probably be disappointed to find out what he looks like now. Although, as someone else pointed out, for 83 years old, he doesn't look too bad.
While it's already been pointed out that you mean Avengers 2 and not Avengers 3, your point about Tony leaving the Avengers due to guilt over Ultron makes perfect sense to me. Maybe even more than that, the entire Avengers team could sort of go their separate ways after this next outing, only to all get called back…
Thinking logically, no dragon transforms - on the first night. Each dragon goes to sleep in his dragon bed that night, expecting to be the only dragon left on an island of sparrows in the morning. When they all wake up the next morning and see that they're all still there, they're struck with the horrible realization:…