
I have relatives that aren't good enough for ashes.

Judging people by their avatars is wrong, and ugly, and gross.

F.O.O.M. or G.T.F.O.

Nana, is that you? You're old enough to know that deriding public figures is part of America's DNA.

But you can sex up the mummies, right…?

That looks like a cut scene from Dawn Of The Dead, from a few hours before the cast lands on Monroeville Mall.

I can't upvote this comment enough.

That, in a nutshell, is why I hate Gotham sight unseen.

As much as I appreciate the reasoned response and thoughtful analysis, any movie where a Romero zombie enjoys horsie rides goes immediately to the bottom of any list.

I enjoyed the whole run, and, yes, I appreciate The Muppets on a much deeper level than most people.

Anyone who uses "underrated" and Survival Of The Dead in the same context is a person not to be taken seriously.

You are beyond wrong, as it's completely overrated. Zombie fans gushed about it at the time, because it was "Romero's big comeback", but it was an Emperor's New Clothes situation.

Now you're making me have to watch it again, because I remember the probe being credited with the localized incidents.

Except doing so would trap them with the daughter. That wasn't an issue in the attic, if I recall correctly. (She already turned downstairs before Cooper locked himself in for good, I believe.)

Except it was written in 1978, and shittier!

Yeah, totally. Was just a riff, not a signal flare to sunmon outraged geeks.

And rightfully so, because the source book is utter dogshit.

I read Russo's Return Of The Living Dead as a third-grader in, like, 1981, and it fucked me up for life. Night terrors for decades.

There is a huuuuuge difference between one hick town cleaning up all the shambling undead from their funeral parlor and old folks' home, and "all is right in the world and it's a Done In One".

I don't agree—I think him being a zombie was a fun gut-punch, because the nastiness of NOTLD '90 is that Mr. Cooper was right the whole time.