
If it won them more elections, I'd be totally down with that.

This looks like a "requires three pints movie at Alamo Drafthouse" kinda flick.

I'm just gonna go check for outlets….

You said the same thing about the microwave, and we use that durn thing all the time.

Just give us President Camacho already!

"Very intelligent scientists"?

Yeah, just I'm not seeing the whole "…but SMART people would have PREVENTED meeting the space-gods!!!" angle. Those are contortions to justify a bad script when it's so much easier to say, "Meh, I liked it anyway, despite the idiotic premises on screen."

So you think that it was it was fine for them to act like morons. Okay. I don't.

I'm not one of those that regards characters acting like idiots in service of plot as a feature. When your exploratory crew—field researchers, scientists—thinks it's a good idea to remove protective gear in alien environs and actively harass the hissing, twitching wildlife (that looks like an angry Terran snake, no

While I appreciate the props (because Scooby-Doo does rule), I can't trust the opinions of a Prometheus devotee, can I?

They're not here, so you're stuck with the hero you deserve.

I thought it added a very important something:

There were neither "good parts" nor "best parts" in Prometheus.

He probably wished for more mayonnaise to grease the overstuffed sandwich blocking his windpipe.


"Oh, this is gross—taste it!!!" is one of our collective human experiences, and wired into our DNA.

I don't even own two girls…

My Nana did that.

We'll mourn 'im 'til we join 'im.

Coming Soon: