Better example attached - the Cobalt ;-)
Better example attached - the Cobalt ;-)
Can someone PLEASE lend Danica Patrick a car for this event.
Taste is a funny thing. Personally I think it’s sexy as hell. It’s like nothing else on the road, iconic, and I pray they never change the arrangement of the lights in future iterations.
So that would make you... Sabretooth?
I’m calling you when I buy my next pickle jar.
Also - the title of the piece really only comes around at the end, tying in to Tyson’s quote which kinda comes out of left field. If the title had been about Ali being the most “savvy”, “unique” or “unconventional” it would make more sense. The piece never really talks of meanness.
Sorry - it was veggies and dip to counter the skin and fat.
Stop freaking me out!!!! Just had them on Saturday - home made in a deep fryer outside. Mixed in a teeny bit of ketchup, et voila! This is a true story.
That seems quite severe :-O Thanks for that - of course clicking the numerous wikilinks lead me to an explanation for the frequent nosebleeds of one of the kids ;-)
Family reunion! I’ll bring the punch. You and Eric are on appetizers.
Maaaaybe? Dad had a few unexplained road trips...
Do you even bruise, brah? ;-)
A knife... for when regular toilet paper or wet naps won’t do the job.
Thanks for this. My wife bruises when you literally sneeze on her leg, and has just accepted that’s the way it is. I, on the other hand can be hit by a 2x4 and not bruise at all - my wife calls me Wolverine (though that could be a Hugh Jackman fantasy) because of it. Which one the kids take after is TBD...
The introduction of Euron in that episode felt reaaaaalllyyy rushed. He felt like a third-rate character that had no real weight. Maybe it was the directing, but he really seemed like a character that comes with no real consequence save for chasing his niece and nephew. Then next episode [someone] talks about needing…
Putting “while” before upside down would help clear up my confusion. It sounds like the bombs are delivered upside down ;-)
If this is a parody video (which the pull quotes suggest it is) it fails at every level. None of his supporters will see this as an issue (if most will not even read the quotes), and everything beyond that gave me goosebumps (and I think he is an ass-hat). The music. The build. The pacing. The Sheen quotes (which…
Since they have a 10:1 population ratio, that doesn’t help your point :-(
Their design is spot-on, but I wonder how their rust-proofing will hold up. After personally owning a ‘99 NB Miata that rusted at the wheel wells, and a sister that had a rusted-through Protege 5 (and now pre-gen CX-9) that would be a big concern...
I don’t think there has been a better design iteration for the TT than the first gen. I remember my first thought when I saw the silver one my friend bought - which was “Man... that is something special”. It looked so unlike everything else on the road, had beautiful proportions, and the interior was absolutely…