
Now we just need the motivation to go there.

@Mactopia: the differences between windows phone 7 and microsoft kin are so vast and so obvious that it would be a waste of time to point them out.

@lostarchitect: It does tend to be more difficult although for the hdd and ram not so much, but the battery's and in the case of the imacs the graphics cards are non user replaceable. And that bothers some people.

@lostarchitect: They need a catchy name like "Retina display" or "Magic Mouse" or "SuperDrive" makes people feel like they are not wasting money on apples exorbitantly priced hardware.

@KBlack: exactly they like it, it has something about it that they like better than the iphone.

@zelannii: Really? If some one wants an iPhone they will come in and ask for one and probably be rather hard to sway. If people buy an android phone they are doing so because they liked it more not because some rep convinced one of them to switch.

@zelannii: The $99 dev fee and restrictive approval process are dev friendly? I understand that Java is inherently less efficient than a language closer to assembly but its still quite powerful and if it is less efficient the android phones can make up for it in sheer muscle, most android phones have a processor

@Mactopia: not yet, but it has potential and a very big company behind it.

@demonic_pascal: I know a lot of people that after switching to android have vowed never to go back to ios, it just feels too limited to anyone used to the freedom of android..

@zelannii: The gsm iPhone is crippled by call dropping. And the cmda iPhone would be crippled by not being able to use data/voice simultaneously. My dad often uses more than 700 minutes a month, often while driving deep in the no mans land of central Florida. On at&t he would drop calls at least 10 times a month (more

@SuperTongueIII: One of my biggest reasons for switching to a Droid Incredible was to finally be free of itunes. I have never seen such poorly coded and restricting software.

@Mactopia: If anything we have much more android and Verizon bashing going on here.

@Caturday Yet?: I was designing a shielding system go my space station when I realised how the formula for shield strength worked it. worked on the amperage of the energy storage system, meaning the more energy I had stored at any given time the.stronger my shield would be, regardless of my energy generation capacity.

@Caturday Yet?: The formula for ship core calculation (based on ship prop size) used fairly advanced calc to do the math on ship core strength. I looked up the formula and them manipulated my ships design to maximize the ship core.

@Caturday Yet?: i once heard a best buy rep quote a price of $100 for a "System cleanup" that included "removing unnecessary files, "hard drive optimization" and updating of all software on the machine" it took every bit of self restraint i had to stop my self from bursting out laughing.

@Lupison: The way things are done now is far more flexible, you do not have to flip a lever so that an entirely different system of gears are used so that you can do subtraction problems. I was describing the fundamentals of computing that hold true for every computer every made today or the past (electronic or not).

@moonshadowkati: The old fashioned way, by the physical manipulation of objects. There where not always coding languages at one time machines where literally made so that the physical parts of the computer where the programing.

Just from playing garrys mod i have learned about.

well that is what happens when you make a glass phone.