
@MasterYong: Bittorrent is very usefull for small projects that can not pay for servers to host large downloads.

I have never found a virus in a torrent, i have been suspicous of some, so i downloaded them on my lunix machine. But even then none of them had any trace of a virus.

@GregtheMad: i ran vista for 3 years and i only saw 2 blue screens in that time. One was the apple mobile device driver, the other was bonjor.

@Standish: The temps and radiation levels on the night side are well within the range of life as we know it.

@hopalong: The issue with that is by the time we find other livable planets we will be out of fossil fuels to launch even the beginnings of a space elevator into space.

One of the best new features of windows 7 (and all related software ) is build in support for almost every format. I can only hope that apple takes up the same sentiment soon.

@crazypills77: i would really hate to have a phone that big.

Thanks, i have been trying to tell people this for months.

I do beleve that openiboot (which already works for iphone 2g and 3g) could be adapted to allow ios/chrome os dual booting

My droid incredible does this on its own.

Boxee hands down, its format support, internet aggragation and interface are good enough for me to quit cable perminatly.

If you have an oled phone you can increse the battery life by leaps and bounds by using a dark background.

@ddjeffries: do you have to use microsoft office to use a mac? or any other product you buy? No you can use open office, neo office or google docs. Apple restricts all ipods, iphones, and ipads so that they are useless without itunes. You can choose your office program but you can not chose an alternative to itunes.

@Stente: If they pay some one to develop itunes for windows then they need to fire him now.

@jmcm: if this happens the lunix community will react with the creation of the most secure and well encrypted operating systems in existence.

@shift321: i think they are guesstimating that by the time these are ready to go that will be the case.

i love auto updating, i just found the new gmail waiting for me.