
@Eulatos: Talking about their mobile devices, their desktop operating system gives the user plenty of freedom while still being idiot resistant. Its essentaly just a suped up lunix distro, and lunix is very good. i was refering to their mobile operating system. by locking it down and preventing user choice or

@lhong1987: os 4 will not let people keep too many apps open at once. Like all apple products its ease of use comes form treating the end user like a child by keeping them form hurting themselves with too much choice or power.

The Incredible and the Evos ram mentioned in passing, But the iphones ram! thats special it deserves a whole article just for itself!

@myasir: this is not apple vs google i am speaking in general.

@xair: you do know that the iphone os does the exact same thing? but on every app not just the browser. Also i have seen my dads incredible take the same drops that destroyed his old iPhone's screen and come out with only a nick. Also lets see any other phone go from 3% battery to 100% battery in less then 2 hours.

@Paradise: The apple ones tend to make themselves very visible.

@StocDred: the price, and the speed at which they stop supporting hold hardware

@Cromwell: no, for $700 you could get a machine with an i7

the mac mini is a joke right?

That or you could just buy a laptop with two hard drive bays and a cd drive with twice the power for the same price or less. Then not void any warranty when you add an ssd

Any one know how to get this to dual boot with Ubuntu on my laptop, i am thinking about making a small partition extracting it like to a flash drive and seeing if grub will find and add it be default. Any better ideas or previous experience anyone?

@ImmaLion: you require more pylons!

@c.barber78: but the question is are they going to be $600 or $800 cards for the first few years, i am looking for a major nvida offering in the $100-$200 range nvidias gtx 250 or 260 hold up well but lack os many new features for a similar price that the radeon 5770 seems the best to me. Will the release of fermi

@TheFu: As a hard core pc gamer i really would die if i had to live with a 7600 much less a S3 Virge :P

@BishopBlaize: you underestimate just how old my current card is, i can not max out halflife 2 ep 2 i have to leave off all forms ad AA and filtering to be able to get a solid 60fps throughout the game with all other on high. Anyways i thought the 5770 was about middle of the road? at $160 is not the most expensive

@Natty: I have been using a all in wonder in my htpc for about a year now and i am really impressed, it handles blu-ray perfectly it actually has the muscle to play hl-2 or tf2 with everything maxed. As for the tuner the HD is brilliant and clear. there are only two minor issues A: when the machine starts up or wakes

Ok so i am intending to upgrade my graphics card in the very near future, i currently have a 8800gs 384mbs i intend to but a radeon hd 5770. My main question here is if it is a good time to buy a card or will there be major updates within the next 6-10 months?

@keitheyoung: so then what happens to all the steam games you buy on a disk?

@BtownDesignGuy: on the iphone/ipod touch you only need to render 320 by 480 where as a wii port would need to do a much much higher resolution to prevent pixalation. hence no wii port

@DugDawg: i think they intend to do it in one big pack after they are done with all the updates. Aka once they are done with the engie and crafting system