
Honestly, its only a big deal because of the hate/desired failure towards Faraday. If you look at suppliers like Magna International you see that they get sued constantly (many times a year) by their auto manufacturer clients. Suing in the business world is akin to putting a lien on a house for unpaid trades; it’s

And yet we have no evidence of most things “fake news” stories say. And sites like this only make things worse. Now if by some chance this is all true.... who cares. Clinton got BJS under his desk for example. Among other presidents who did “immoral” things, almost none of them were impeached. Hypocrite democrats just

It seems a little hypocritical to freely post unsubstantiated, salacious and fairly ridiculous accusations about the President-Elect.

They switched to Monster Cables.

LOL, snowflake liberals lashing out in fear of the coming collapse of Obama’s nanny state. Time to put on your big boy pants sissies!

No different than the inconvenience our current president with regards to Chicago - or anywhere with a golf course.

Our President-elect is so self-centered that he plans to spend most of his time in NYC, not Washington

Credit where credit is due.... he prefaced “Trump” with “president elect” and not “putrid orange peel with a toupee” like most gawker articles beat us to death with because they don’t realize it was only funny the first time...

Tolerance and inclusion only when they agree.

The raging from the left continues, spewing their hate on every page they can get a hold of...

So much for tolerance and inclusion form the left, huh?

I wanted to post images of a circle jerk and put a picture of gawker media in the center to make an analogous representation of the editors’ collective anti-trump opinions. Fortunately, I’m at work and would probably be fired for GIS’ing “circle jerk.”

Please, do not let these trivial facts get in the way of the author’s agenda.

He did appoint a tax cheat to the head of the treasury department as one of his first appointments...

Since the death of Gawker...their “other” sites that use to be tied to Gawker are trying to pick up the slack with anything anti Republican/conservative/religious.

Perry was the governor of Texas for 15 years. Texas is ranked first in energy production, including over twice the wind capacity of any other state. Even if he knows nothing about energy, apparently he knows people that do.

Does anyone actually read the drivel posted here anymore as “a news story” or are you like me and just stopping at the gratuitous snark smugness at paragraph 2 and skipping to the bottom to read comments?

Yeah, I only feel sympathy towards people who share my choice in presidential candidates and political leanings too.

No, this was actual gold, not paint

Tow straps don’t kill people. People touching tow straps kill people.

Every new president deserves a chance. Why democrats are so upset is beyond me. Election is over, he won, let’s move on. But no, thousands of college kids are protesting around the country. Just give the guy a year and see what happens. If he fucks up, vote him out next election season, it’s that simple.