
But the PS3 can play 3D games and movies. You just have to be on the newest firmware, which a majority of the gamers are.

Everything past the Uncharted/Resistance gameplay bits have been pretty painful. Oh look 3D! OMG it's motion sensing! Here's you guys a corny joke to keep you guys entertained.

Upgrade the firmware. There, it can play 3D games and movies. It's every PS3, not every firmware.

Glad to hear my roommate and I weren't the only ones to notice. And I get what you're saying about the old man buff, haha. I'm sure I'll get used to it but I really hope it's just cause the game isn't completely finished. One thing that for sure won't change is the voice actor for Ezio, which really doesn't fit his

Why did this video have to end?! I felt like I could have watched it for hours, I'm so ready for more of the AC story.

Yea it was slow paced but so was the beginning of the MW3 gameplay trailer. What was that, 4 minutes of swimming through the ocean? And that's a game that's supposed to be all about action. Take a look at the cliffhanger level of MW2, same thing where it's painfully slow and boring. Look at other levels though and

Thought the same. And is it just me, but did Ezio look like he gained about 80 pounds in the gameplay? My roommate and I were watching it on G4 and both immediately said the same thing "he looks fat".

Austria <> Australia. Indistinguishable to one Lloyd Christmas.

She had some pictures I Google'd that she looked "hot" in but mostly she just came across as decently attractive. I had to Google the Jewel person and she did look similar to this Anna Chapman but I also did find her kinda "hot".

He was mistaken on that, Activision has nothing to do with Assassin's Creed.

Happens to me as well. Opening the link in a new tab or window seems to fix it. I've been having to do that a lot anyways since I'll click on the story but then can't click on any links within the article or even highlight text. Mac and chrome as well.

Did you ever see the episode of The Office when Kevin speaks about Hillary Swank?

Yea we don't have any of those stores around here, they seem to be just eastern US. We're in an area where there really isn't a lot of stores. I think the only place Texas has Costco's are in Dallas area.

Yea I understand that, it's just annoying though. Especially since the only other choice is Best Buy and their customer service annoys me.

Isn't that what Twix is for?

This story on ESPN got me clicking to read the comments... geez that place is worse than YouTube. Glad my roommate got our house banned from commenting on that site or reading their message boards or else I would have been tempted to use Red Forman's favorite word in reply to every single post.

Why? Because of what someone from Georgia did? I'm confused.

I immediately thought of PSN as well, mainly because of all the comments I had read that were saying things like "this shows how little the PSN is protected" to "Sony basically handed the data over to the hackers". I had mentioned then about how any place can get hacked and that just because the PSN was hacked doesn't

I see that golf can be exciting, but having never played it myself, it's not too entertaining. If anything I can watch the last hole or two, like how I watch the playoffs in NBA and the World Series, but can never see myself sitting down to simply watch an entire tournament or round.

I wanted to watch this game but had bad feelings so just had it recording. Think I'll have to wait a while to watch, can't stand seeing Van Der Sar lose in his last game ever and knowing what I'll hear from bandwagon Barcelona fans around here (yeah, we have bandwagon soccer fans here in West Texas, I didn't believe