
That stadium looks pretty sad to be a state championship game location, even for it being D-III.

@MichelleTofi: For some reason it's not working. Even for the "not:apple" example given.

@turbo steve: 3D Ready is similar to the previously well known "HD Ready" label that was associated with any new HDTV purchase over the last few years. The idea behind such a label is to reassure you, the consumer, that a TV that you are purchasing will be capable of meeting the hardware requirements so as to display

How do you hide posts that have a certain tag? I forgot how and I'm not really into this 3D stuff.

Netflix has been working fine for me all day through Chrome (running on Snow Leopard). You did scare me though, thought I'd have to switch back to using Firefox for Netflix and Chrome for everything else.

@Jack Edward's Hair Piece: I believe it's because the guys at Euless just weren't smart enough to realize what was going on.

@Rock517: LOL, yes I suppose that is fitting for my posts.

@Rock517: But he didn't, and if the gun accidentally went off while struggling with him he would have been at fault for using more force than was required (it shouldn't be his fault but from other cases I could easily see their family suing and winning).

@Trystian: I forget how much it was but they can easily penetrate a few inches of clothing. I suppose if his worry was that then I can see using the gun but still don't understand why he got so up close.

I wanted to say "robber fail" but after watching I have to say "police fail" as well.

"The changing climate, growing poverty, wars and more are only expanding. This movable nomadic dwelling unit provides shelter from this disconcerting situation."

@junior ghoul: Forgot about those, do they actually have big boxes though? I tend to change the channel when those commercials are on.

@ucsbmrf: Ya that's all I've really sold on eBay, either my old unlocked iPhone's or my friends. Worked out great.

@ucsbmrf: I recently sold my old AV receiver on Craigslist. I put it up around 7am and by 9am I had already made plans with someone to buy it at 5pm after work.

I like how casual the kid at :19 is, just slowly walks down to his brother (?) like this sort of thing happens all the time.

I had been able to login, change the password, logout then login again with the new password but then after 10 minutes or so after leaving when I'd come back the password wouldn't work.

@DocChewbacca: I had a password that, according to every site with a weak/strong meter, was very strong and I was affected. Not sure if it was just my luck or if most of those sites have poor testing for strong passwords.

@ortizlgnd4: You sound like the troll. He doesn't like other games on the Kinect and thinks only one is worth owning so you call him a troll?

@FoolsErrand: If you want me to be ignorant I'll reply by saying that page doesn't go into detail about the people that were on PCP, such as if they were male or female. Even on PCP a female would be more susceptible to going down by a single shot by a taser. Every video or story I've read of people taking 3+ shots