T Taz

That's the chair that she "maaaaadeee looooove" to Andrew on. LMAO. AMAZING delivery and it wasn't even on-screen!

Which is ironic to me because if she had tried harder and had sent specifically Roxxxy home to begin with, she probably would have gotten a lot of praise for it. But it's good she threw the first lip sync at least because it was the catalyst for Tatianna and Alyssa to later have the unanimous best lip sync of the

ABSSOLUTELY not. Katya's slow split from her first lip sync was one of the most circulated gifs that week, and her lip sync against Kennedy was explosive. You're thinking of her phoned-in AS2 lip syncs, and by then it didn't matter because she had already cemented her brand, her fan base, and her YouTube series cred.

Yup. Usually the girl who was more of the genre of the lip sync song (Trinity vs. Milk, Latrice vs. Chad, Dida vs. Princess) ends up staying, but Alexis' run-split and campy pad as a hat shtick secured her win over Farrah's delightful country twang of a jig dance.

Someone else said this but with all of Kesha's legal troubles, perhaps they couldn't play any of her songs OR they didn't want the royalties going to Dr. Luke.

It makes no sense though from a post-Drag Race career perspective. These girls basically give a preview of what you will see if you come to their shows in the future, so why not build your lip sync brand and go out with a fight? Farrah didn't really stand a chance against Alexis, but seeing Farrah's cutsie pop fun

Are your two more worthy queens from AS2 Katya and Alyssa or Katya and Tatianna?

And with good reason. Phi Phi has admitted she couldn't get work because of it. Coming off like a bitch on this show can mess with your money and thus livelihood. It's a slippery slope.

That's not what Motard meant. He meant Detox is a self-proclaimed top.

Between Trump's first int'l visit to Saudia Arabia and all of the Fox News firings/scandals this month over sexual harassment, I am once again reminded of Julia's Emmy speech last year where she apologized that Veep has turned from "scathing satire to sobering documentary".

30% Ruby is possible, but this guest judge was waaaaay off with the comparison regardless. She's sitting next to people who bat a 90% average with their references (I hope I used that sports reference correctly) 🤣

I sense a similar injustice in Season 9. Seems like Valentina might get Miss C now that she's out of the Top 3, but Peppermint really deserves it.

Giving my opinion on a fictional character in awkward sexual situations on a tv series. Crappy human beings molest kids and abuse animals. Calm your overdramatic ass Mickey. Point. Blank. Period.

I've seen Fifth Element 1000 times. WHAT about Trinity's look was "Fifth Element Realness"??

In the intro vids for Season 7 or 8 on YouTube, the day the queens are getting ready for their first workroom, some are seen with iPods and you can hear the songs that would later be the LSFYL songs. They don't know which week is what, but they know what all the songs are before taping even begins.

Maybe thought she was the first queen to use the BMW read in the reading challenge as well.

It's engineered that way. Kick Latrice out of the top 3 spot to win Miss Congeniality. Same for Katya I believe. It almost like "if they're not going to win, let's give them Miss C and bring them back for All Stars".

I would have loved tonight to be the series finale. Guess I'll be going through the motions for 48 more episodes!

For me it ties with the East Wing scene…. "I don't remember marrying you Gary… I don't remember fffffffuuucking you in Niagara Falls!!! I'd think I'd remember that!"

"No. I AM Fucking you tonight"