
It’s like he wants X to fail. 

There are a few alternatives. They’re all horrid. 

People need to stop using Twitter, there needs to be an alternative. It’s becoming nothing but propaganda and misinformation. (Not that I’m a fan of the NY Times, but my point stands)

I would be very happy if they don’t go into Skoll’s backstory at all. He’s fascinating as it is, as Stevenson gives us everything that we need in his weary performance. This is one of those situations where fans are left wanting more and they absolutely shouldn’t get it. Less is more.

10:1 odds it turns out to be poop.  It’s always poop.  

To expand. It would have made more sense if Morgan had still sent people, but only to keep an eye on and prevent Ahsoka and Sabine from leaving the ship. Then Shin, in typical hot-headed apprentice fashion, would have been unable to help but pick a fight, wanting to finish off Sabine. That would have been more

Great, now I have a new fetish...

It's great when Ahsoka smiles. It happens so rarely in this show we need to see her emote more.

Stevenson is really doing a great job. Really hope the writing holds up, he should get an emmy nom for this.

Also the kendo coordinator is on fire. These duels are really great.

Now this is where the fun begins. I feel like 96% of the preview/trailer footage has already aired in the eps.

The problem was that to method act effectively, Stoltz had to travel back in time, and he kept disrupting major historical events. The production had to stop him killing Teddy Roosevelt several times.

I have to wonder how much of that is because, for the first decade or so of its existence, Star Wars was the most mainstream thing ever, and there was no hardcore fandom to speak of like with Star Trek or Doctor Who, which were popular but still niche phenomena. Star Wars was the biggest four quadrant hit franchise of

This is the most insane criticism I’ve heard of this show so far. I certainly wouldn’t say the show has “great writing” at least so far, but peppering in vital info organically into dialog tends to be viewed as “good writing” rather than just a stupid info dump at the beginning which would be openly just for stupid

It’s fine so far.

Yeah, why couldn’t we just follow some droids around for a half hour like in the movie?

There’s an outside chance it was John Oliver’s team... and I sincerely hope that it was.

You missed one.

"What the Fuck Is PC Load Letter? : 17 Films About Soul-Crushing Middle-Class Professions".