
Dumb prediction time:
The reason the map burnt Ahsoka’s hand was so they could Indiana Jones their way to Ezra. I mean come on. It’s a map room where an orange beam shoots out of the thing and shows the way... As long as Ahsoka remembers to take back one kadam to honor the force or whatever. It’s the burn the map into

This is an interesting take, that force sensitivity is binary off or on instead of by degrees. Imagine you’re the Jedi Order and part of your mandate is to deal with folks that can easily tap into the force. If they’re left to their own devices, people can get hurt, worlds destabilized etc.. so you start a school and

17 Films About Soul-Crushing Middle-Class Professions”.

They’re trying real hard not to use the term Cassette Futurism or biomimicry. It’s just Retro-futuristic circa 1985-1998 and using nature as the basis for a design, like the bullet train in Japan being designed after a birds head.

Zach Snyder presents Battle Beyond the Stars, 7Samurai in space, Rebel Moon, a 7 part 168 hr anthology. Episodes will be released in 7 24hr blocks on Netflix, meant to be watched in one sitting.
Part 1 a child of fire
Part 2 the scargiver
Part 3 looks like we had Neosporin, that was unfortunate
Part 4 hat time
Part 5 Zach

The “theft” is delegating what would have been a commissioned artwork by an artist to an algorithm that produced it for free. This is not right clicking and hitting save, this is shifting the means of production away from the worker to the benefit of the corporation. Automation as a cost saving tool not of liberation.

I’m guessing that it’s going to be a bit more Indiana Jones than all this. The Rakata are long gone but they left a bunch of cool stuff laying all over the place, shrouded in mystery and probably surrounded by cargo cultists because the technology is basically magic. It’ll be Ahsoka racing the remnants of the Empire

Easiest would be just following that Native American couple around all “slice of life.” Graham Greene talking about how he wishes they still made pop tarts and Elaine Miles making fun of him. “What’d you do today?” “Watched one of those infected chase a rabbit around the back yard for a while until it got tangled in

As long as Rosario stops playing Ahsoka as Morpheus, I am very excited about the show and I’m ok with this series giving us Ahsoka the Grey, knowing that eventually we’ll get Ahsoka the White, but given that... she shouldn’t play this role as 100% serious all the time. Ashley brought a level of lightness and snark to

Take 2 cups space nazis from 40K, one 90's cover of the Hyperion paperback, Wisk in two tablespoons Gladiator’s visuals, a heavy dose of Star Wars’s every planet an ecosystem/culture (viking planet, planet feudal Korea, planet Arizona etc..) Soak in the plot to 7 Samurai overnight until nostalgic then bake in slow

The real question is how are you going to have an 80's McDonalds without the smoking section, the horrifying Grimace jail playground and coke spoons I mean coffee stirs.

Godzilla turned the home owners association against me for not bringing my trash cans in on time.

I like the weirder Tales of the Jedi format that they’ve explored with Visions, and I had sort of hoped the Mandalorian was going to be more of a Wolf and Cub story of the week than part of a large interconnected narrative but I’m guessing the algorithm doesn’t think that will sell.

“food golem” is a way more horrifying combination of words than an enchanted cookie brings to mind. I like the variation in art styles in this series. Maybe not the more Anime/pokemon styled ones but the Abigail Larson and Shafer Brown ones work really well to lean into the “fairytale” or storybook aesthetic. They

Just this scene of the movie, the rest was meh.

Billionaires should just let us hunt them for sport like god intended. It’s the only way they’ll truly feel alive. Like Guns Akimbo but with pasty tech billionaires facing their most exploited employees.