
More Kirby dots/crackle.

I got a little weirded out by this episode. When they started reading off “random” numbers/banging on the table I ended up saying “17" out loud the same time that Bill/Nardole/table banger guy did. One of those, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence things but I got the chills and decided to go outside.

She was cute in a mind numbingly annoying and punchable sort of way.

I always wonder what’s going through a producer’s mind when a huge budget tentpole movie is so hamfistedly pandering to the lowest common denominator that it tanks. Do you think if the screen writer & director are given more creative control and autonomy that the movies turn out better? (See Deadpool, Inception,

So.. they went with the sentinels from the matrix instead of sentinels from the comics? I think I’ll stick with rewatching Legion.

Interesting, I always thought that Rorschach and Nite Owl were what happened if you divided Batman in half like in one of those spinny things that separates blood platelets from plasma. Crazy-pants sociopath detective/vigilante + rich guy with moral code and a fixation on animal iconography gadgets and crime fighting

Republicans are essentially grifters who would like to turn the planet into a futuristic hobsian dystopia where 5 companies own everything and employ only those they deem fit (light brown enough) to function as wage/debt slaves in the new world order. A New World where consumption and endless unchecked growth

I tried to re-watch one of the bay-formers movies recently (whichever one had Leonard Nemoy in it) and found it really off putting that Optimus was acting so much like a giant robot marine. Hearing him say “kill them all” just didn’t sit well. A bit of cognitive dissonance between trying to shut my brain off while

This one. No wires, just as much yoga and personal training as someone who is getting paid to do yoga and go to the gym for their high paying job can do in a day.

Rosario Dawson will bring Matt, Jessica, and Luke to a bar, buy a round, and say. “Have you seen Barry Gordy’s the Last Dragon?.... Like that, only he’s really really white and the music is stuck in the 90's.” And at some point Jessica or Electra will toss Danny across the room and say. “Am I the baddest low down

Thanos: The Hands of Fate

Which William Gibson book was it with the bulletproof aprons at the quickie mart? Was that All tomorrow’s parties?

I liked this guy better:

I could see the MCU doing something along the lines of “Logan” and adapting “Hulk - The End” where an ancient Mark Ruffalo wanders a desolate earth, with very little dialogue occasionally getting eaten by giant bugs and hallucinating about the avengers. That or go full 80's hitchhiking man in hiding thing.

Capitan “Charlie” Goodtimes, Chuck or CG if you’re into the whole brevity thing.