
Kathy Bates’ Yinzer accent in American Horror Story was pretty rough. Though to be honest, unless you sound like “Pittsburgh Dad” giving directions, it is difficult to do any justice. It was jarring to see Batman jump from NYC to Pittsburgh to LA and then to England in the course of one scene, but the burgh parts were

Growing up I thought Close Encounters got Muncie, IN pretty close. Cornbread road and the look of the houses. Topographically it’s flat flat flat, so the hills are fiction and the residents aren’t as “I saw bigfoot once” as the movie makes them seem. Hudsucker Proxy’s depiction would be pretty on the nose too.

*Grumbles audibly while looking for that supercut of Jared Leto getting shot, stabbed, punched into oblivion, and murdered with an axe.* “Freakin DC should stick to animated... where is that video!?”

I have the Krypto New York version of the above chain lock. Was always skeptical of the price, ~$100. Left my bike overnight at my university locked up out of necessity. Found it in the morning with two broken hacksaw blades and the tip of a pair of bolt cutters sitting next to it (part of the jaw bits). The chain is

In the sequel, Rogue 2: Electric Boogaloo, can we get a montage sequence of an older Donnie Yen and Sammo Hung teaching a bunch of Jedi how to fight? Preferably set to a John Williams cover of “push it to the limit.”

No no... Sandra Bullock is the boss and Palpatine is the plucky intern.

Meh... I’d build another one, a bigger one. And then I’d lay a trap for that heartless group of vile terrorists that so ruthlessly attacked the peaceful empire. Never forget the countless troops that lost their lives serving the Empire on that fateful day. Ok...ok.. Maybe I’d “force lightning murder hands” a few of

Time Traveling adventures of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, featuring Catriona Hartdegen and Ethan Chandler where they keep running into Dorian, Lilly & John Clare throughout time to fight “evil” and junk.

Is this that “Weaponized Nostalgia/Intertextuality” I keep hearing so much about? Stylistically, this looks very post-modern storytelling. Like cutting up scenes from the Goonies, E.T., The Abyss, some period David Fincher films and nailing them together to tell a new story. Are Directors using these visual cues like

For a second I was all “ooh! a new DC Animated Wonder Woman movie Sweet!” Then sadly disappointed that it was the live action murderverse. Now I have to re-watch the Apocalypse movie for that one fight scene with Barda.

So much this. I’d really like to be able to choose the default browser to open a link and the default maps (google maps) when finding a location. Perhaps my next phone won’t be an iPhone, we’ll see in a few years when this one has reached the limits of it’s planned obsolescence.

I always thought the rule was either/or. Either wear gloves with no guard, or use the guard with no gloves.

Mr. Sinister’s powers if I remember correctly are telekinesis via bindi-dot and dressing like 90's Klaus Nomi. (more pockets, same hair & shoulder pads)

Ok, big reveal in the third movie: Poe and Fin are hunkered down during a big battle. Poe says that he’ll stay out of the way, He get’s it.. Fin tells Poe that he’s got it all wrong, Rey is Fin’s sister *gasp* then they kiss while surrounded by possibly cannibalistic teddybears. *scene*

Do a live action version of this episode, add in Ivy, switch out Bats for Barbara N’ the gang. No origin stories, no grim dark, just solid fried gold.

Yes but this time Hugh Jackman is wearing a big 90's helmet with a bunch of wires and random boxes strapped to him.

I’m not sure going the buddy cop “Griggs & Murtog” route is the right direction for the solo BP movie.

I thought all the houses were named after people. Whatsherface Hufflepuff, dude guy Gryffindor etc.. So wouldn’t the houses be closer to Smith, Johnson, Anderson, Jackson, or alternatively Begay, Yazzy, Locklear, Benally, etc.. ??