
Good. Cheating in online game is shitty thing to do, cheat all you want in offline singleplayer

Ah, but if the cardio is more important to you (say you’re a runner), it’s better to do that first when glycogen, fatigue, etc aren’t standing in your way; you don’t have to worry so much about the weightlifting being optimal.

No, its a result of intelligent design.
Weapons are everywhere. 90% of my problem in the game is having too many weapons and having to choose which ones to keep.

Some feel that she appears to be running defense for the company rather than truly seeking to change the culture.

Impatient morons willing to pay the extra price are a scalpers best friend.

I like the points you covered.

It IS outright piracy. Hell, even a couple of years ago, when I was in college and had no working PS2, pretty much no disposable income but had a decent-ish laptop, I considered the couple of games I downloaded and played on PCSX2 (some of which I actually recently bought for the PS4, if that makes it any better)

But why do we NEED games for kids?

I get it.

Question: have you had experience with the Switch, and have you had these issues? As in, do you own one or have played with one for a period of time? Having spent the past two weeks crashing at my friends place for probably more than I should have, and getting a lot of play time with it, I haven’t noticed any of these

Well it’s still higher than Microsoft and Sony’s lows then when you spent 500+ on a new system and the only way around their design flaws was to send it in and hope it didn’t still red ring/yellow light when you got it back. My point being this is far from the first or the worst bumpy console launch.

These issues are getting completely blown out of the water though. I would bet good money that the vast majority of Switch users have not experienced any of these issues-you only hear complaints from a fairly vocal minority.

I’ve had a Switch since launch, I move it from the dock a few times a day and there are no scratches from the dock. How the hell are people putting this thing in that it’s scratching the screen? And the exhaust port is on the top, where the hell are these people placing it that they’re worried about blocking the vent?

Looks like a switch, but you know how Gizmodo staff all like to stick their heads up Apple’s ass. Plus if it were an iPhone it wouldn’t be able to connect to that other system unless Link carried around the multiple adapters that Apple products require for their proprietary ports.


I’m not sure that many of those guys were thinking that far ahead, or even thinking with the head on their shoulders.

While I don’t at all disagree - and 100% agree this man is a hero - I want to also make sure we focus on those women serving our country who put their bodies on the line to defend us all, and yet find those same bodies sexually violated by their peers for cheap thrills. Those women, and all women, deserve better.

“We are thankful that Thomas Brennan, a Marine veteran, notified the Marine Corps and NCIS about what he witnessed on the ‘Marines United’ page,” said Capt. Ryan E. Alvis, Marine Corps spokesperson. “It allowed us to take immediate action to have the explicit photos taken down and to prepare to support potential

I’d offer that inequality in education is WAY more of a class thing than a race thing.

Funny that all the replies that doesn’t agree with how you wrote the story is sitting in the pending area. Clean up all the white peoples tears? Your the biggest racist out there