
Hell yeah, if you want it done right you gotta bury the clay pot. Nasty process but damn it tastes good.

Seems I've seen it about a hundred times too.

Fair enough. Thanks Data

Damn, wished I'd seen the Guardian's recaps from the get go!

Thanks Jess!

someone tell me the horror level of this show? Don't really dig horror but sounds like the acting is top notch here. Gore comparable to Dexter or is it over the top?

…agreed, much better suited to network comedies.

I was surprised as well. He was the one guy I thought had a chance of being miscast. Turned out ok!

Season 2 is damn good as well.

Observer and Vulture are much better, no comments though.

Yeah, Observer and Vulture have much better recaps.

This review is inutile.

I missed last season. Is it possible to just start back with the second half of S7? I mean it is getting B grades here. Must be doing better!

Yeah, reminds me of a Community College "Journalism" essay with all of the pretentious over analysis.

I can't wait till Tuesday nights. It airs on Saturday across the pond. So i catch it online Monday at lunch!

Much better than this one!!

I noticed that, but I couldn't remember him instructing her either. Just figured my memory is shot.

Yeah, I think this is one of the few shows with a teen daughter who isn't just unbearable. She isn't annoying at all.

It stays solid throughout. Good show.

Agree with you on Goliath! Struggled a bit here and there but there is potential there!