
wow that disjointed mess of an hour gets a 1,200 word recap and an "A-"? This gets one more episode to see if all the delays and re-writes helped any but that's it. Bailing after next week if it is more of the same. That guy from Boardwalk Empire is just unbearable.

Preach it!

^THIS^ X 1million

we have them in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. fixing to go to one right now!


^pretty much all of this ^


Just started this. Pretty good!

Right on, glad to know one is a follow up! Much appriciated

Which of those shows is the one to start watching first. I hadn't heard of those before!

Yeah, season 2 can't get here quick enough!

Yeah, basically a give up in the first sentence. Horrible writing.

rolls and folds lol

How pretentious… what about 3 pills for HIV, 3 pills for HEP C, one antibiotic, one steroid, prescription bottle of 800mg ibuprofen, one anti nausea ….there is 10 easy just off the cuff.

Hope this is good as it sounds. New show to watch and a shit ton of books to read. I'm down with this.

yeah, Black Sails needs more love. Great show!

is that the guy from Black Sails in the picture? Haven't seen any of these yet. Might have to start watching if it is any good.

yeah, right on with this!!

Best Performance for Leo in a movie that hasn't even been released?

I loved the first season, just trying to catch up on season 2 now. Seems slow fro some reason. Figure it will get back to awesome soon enough!